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My New Character: Divumaltus (Dead)


Legend of Altera
Character Profile:
Name: Divumaltus Fiora
Alternate personality: Galomatus Fiora. Comes out when Divumaltus is in danger or angry. He shares most of the same traits as Divumaltus but instead of being caring Galomaltus is violent and bloodthirsty. Divumaltus can control him a little, but there have been times when Galomaltus has taken complete control.
Nickname/Alias: Fior
Age: 28 years old
Gender: Male
Race: Forest Elf (
Build: Well muscled due to living in the wild since the age of 16 months. 6ft 5"
Hair: Blonde. Stops just below the ears. Quiff (to the left)
Eyes: Leaf Green
Skin: Tanned (Same reason as his build)
Tattoos/Scars: Whole body covered in a range of scars due to hunting from the age of 5, when he had to help out his 'family' in order to survive
Distinguishing Features: Very curious.
Traits or Blessings: Curious. His senses are extremely honed, more so than a regular elf's due to the fact that he had hunted from somewhere between the ages 5-15. He can sneak very well, making it so that wolves can be picked off one by one without the rest of the pack noticing. However, due to his childish mind he is very inpatient so he doesn't often hide for long. Is fast and has good stamina due to keeping up with his 'parents'.
Physical Flaws: Scar littered body
Physical Qualities: Well muscled legs and arms.
Clothes: Black leather chestpiece with a strap across it, Metal shoulder pads, Black gloves, Black trousers, Metal knee pads, Grey steel capped boots
Hygiene: Washes as often as he can
Voice: Slightly gruff from mimicking animal sounds
Family Heritage: A amulet given to him by his true mother. It is of a phoenix with its wings spread wide.
Object(s) owned of sentimental value: His mothers amulet, His staff

Worships: He doesnt know of the gods
Disabilities/Illnesses: None
Intelligence Level: Acts on instinct but hunts with high intelligence.
Known Languages: He is doing well learning to speak the common language of altera and can 'speak' to the animals in the wilds around him.
Title: None
Political alignment: Knows nothing of politics
Sexuality: Straight
Marital Status: Single

Personality: Caring, Protective, Curious
Fears/Insecurities/Phobias: Losing everything
Short Term Goals: Find somewhere INDOORS to stay
Long Term Goals: Protect his family from those who would do them harm
Alignment: None
Profession: I guess he could be classed as a hunter/carver?
Hometown: None
Current Home(s): Homeless (The wilds)

Loved: None as of yet -_o
Trusted:Robert Senatoor, Astrid Redwalker,
Under his protection: The sisterhood, Robert Senatoor, Astrid Redwalker, Aella Redwalker
Liked: Scardrac,
Unsure of:
Wary of:
Afraid of: Does fire count? (He is yet to get over it)
Hated: Pointy tooth and Czehlk

Color: Green
Food/drinks: Cider
Animal: All animals
Activity: Discovering new things
Person: Astrid/Robert

Least Favorite::
Color: Fiery red (Mix of orange and red)
Food/drinks: Only knows of water and cider
Animal: No animals
Person: Poachers

The eagles in the story:

Backstory (as told by Divumaltus himself)
I was born to a unloving mother and father. I was unlike the other newborns in the elven town of Zalosa. I was a fast developer. By the age of 15 and a half months it was showing who i looked like, and it was neither of my parents. For a child to not look at all like one parent and a lot like the other is uncommon but not strange. All I have is my mothers green eyes. Upon seeing this my father was outraged and when I reached 16 months old my father made my room look like it had been broken into, took me from my cot in the middle of the night and threw me in the river, leaving me to float downstream with my mothers amulet wrapped around my arm, still wrapped in my blanket, before returning to bed.

I floated downstream for hours before I awoke crying, hungry as i had not been fed since dinner. As i cried creatures started to approach the bank of the river. Wolves. It was obvious that they too had not eaten in a long while and they were desperate to get at my small frame. When i saw them my cry of hunger turned into one of fear. I saw a flash of red on the bank before one of the wolves was dragged out of sight. At this the rest of the wolves approached that position, thinking it was a rogue of their pack most likely. There was a lot a growling a barking and then, silence. As i kept floating i heard something wade into the water before i felt myself being lifted out of the river. As the thing that had grabbed me ran, i saw glimpses of feathers. We soon reached a nest at which point i saw them. A pair of Garten Eagles, most likely attracted to me by the possibility of other predators coming for me, or maybe even my parents. What i assumed to be the male was dragging a wolf to the nest before putting his clawed feet under it and flying up. It was obvious that they were taking me in when the female used the sharp point of her beak to cut off a piece of meat before stabbing it and dropping it on my chest. From there they cared for me and nurtured me in the nest until i could walk. It was a good job they were moving to a cave because the forest we were in caught fire. I remember them running through the forest with me on my 'mothers' back, crying my eyes out in fear. I stopped crying when we reached the cave in which we would live. It was covered by a bush and you had to push past the stick 'fence' they had made after the fire to get in or out. In that cave they cared for me until i was 5 and could walk and communicate with them. I started to catch animals from near the cave and from then it was a cycle of us all looking after each other in that cave until i was nearing the age of 15, catching larger prey as i got larger. At the age of 15 i decided the cave was not the best place anymore, as the entrance was getting harder and harder to use. So i walked north-west, climbing into trees at night or finding shelter when there were no trees, with the two Eagles (My 'mother' and 'Father') at my side.

Soon enough i found a heavily wooded area with a river not too far away. We found a tall tree and started to make nests for me and my 'Parents'. Each nest was situated in a different fork branch close to the trunk and mine was filled with moss to make it comfortable. It was around this time that i started to see these 'creatures'. They walked very much like myself and were all of different heights. They also communicated with strange sounds. I had learnt to talk to all animals to avoid predators but this was something completely different. I just had to know what they were. I had to meet them close up...

Most of that is from memory, but i have had to fill in a few gaps here and there.
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