Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[Nation State] Imdolia Main Thread


Lord of Altera
(i'll write up stats and lore of Imdolia over here, folks.)

" For Country, For Rationality. "

"The Armed Republic of Imdolia is a tiny, though formidable state controlled by the Rational Preservation Group, commonly referred to as RPG. It maintains steady funding on its' military, judiciary institutions and police department, healthcare, welfare, and education.

It's current President is Suharto Ping, a man that has gained much controversy and ire since the last his reelection six years ago, especially from the people that are the driving force behind the secret police, black market, and media. The Chairmen of John-Lu Syndicate, SadCo Inc., and Telesoft.

To mention some things about the economic state of the nation, it's thriving, bustling with terrifying growth and ever expanding. But ' best ' is an obscured foe of ' good '. The art is forgotten, and even the god damn anthem is 8bit, composed by an unnamed Telesoft employee. Needless to say, art is not paying in Imdolia. You better go and toil on a factory or office if you expect to pay for bills and feed your children.

Elections are coming around. 'Elections'."