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[Nationstates] Who Wants to Rule a Nation?


Lord of Altera
I feel terrible for not putting effort to change names. imagine they sound vermellan.
3 important issues have arisen:

Big business, fed up with over-regulation in Corvermell, are heading offshore in ever-increasing numbers.

"Good riddance!" says noted environmentalist Doris Neumann. "Sniff that air! It's never been so clean! At last, our society is freeing itself from the consumer death-trap! I say it's time to take the final step and outlaw capitalism once and for all!"

"This is a catastrophe waiting to happen," says the Chamber of Commerce. "Think of the consequences! Without big business, where do the jobs come from? Where do we get our medicine? Our cars? Our latest fashions? There are dozens of useless regulations the government could abolish today to make life easier for commerce, and it's high time they did."
Thousands of business men and women have taken to the streets in protest of their working conditions and pay. "It's not fair that we can't have a union," says George W. Jamieson, VP of Sales at SlothCorp. "Just because we make six figures doesn't mean we don't deserve overtime too! It's high time that the lower classes come to appreciate our hard efforts."

Roxanne Hamilton, secretary of commerce, recommends you ignore these commies. "Free enterprise means not having to succumb to unions, and the world has enough unions already."

Tobias Bronte, secretary of labor, advises you to adjust laws to allow white-collar unions. "It only makes sense that all of the workers in our nation have an equal opportunity to benefit from the advantages of collective bargaining."

"Get these people out of the street!" advises Fanny Dubois, local police chief. "They're blocking traffic, and making it impossible for the common man to drive to the megamall!"

Finally, Right Reverend Sean Moon proclaims, "The downtrodden are suffering at the hands of the MAN, and these wealthy upper shelf vice presidents are asking to make the rich richer and the poor poorer! The only reason the common worker needs a union is to be able to fight against the oppression of these slave drivers! It's ludicrous that these greedy scrooges are asking for even MORE money! Send them packing and raise taxes on the wealthy to bring more equality to our nation!"
A monstrous debate between pro-life and pro-choice groups has erupted after a high-profile case of a pregnant woman aborting her foetus because she 'didn't feel like it' hit the tabloids.

Falala Guide, lawyer for the woman known only as Miss X, says, "It is Miss X's right to choose! It's her body; she can do whatever she wants with it. In the interest of women's rights, abortion MUST be legal throughout the country!"
"I most vehemently disagree," says Samuel Silk, a pro-life activist. "I'm all for women's rights in general, but what about the child? Does it have no rights either? Abortion is totally immoral and I insist that it be outlawed except in cases of rape, or when the mother's life is in danger."

"You're not going far enough! Abortion is murder!" shouts Reverend Heather Usman, waving a placard with a picture of a foetus on it. "God decides which babies live and which will die, not us! The government must maintain a stern anti-abortion stance to preserve the morality of Corvermell!"

"Abortion has to be legal if we're going to last as a nation," says Marlon Strange, President of the Society of Bitter Old People. "Have you ever thought that with Corvermell's growing population of 597 million, we soon aren't going to be able to squeeze any more people within our borders? If we use abortion to control the population, we'll make great savings and can spend the money elsewhere. One child per family should just about do it I think. Extraneous ones can be sold to other countries."


The Brainz
Retired Staff
I am guessing you want us to reply to them?
Big business, fed up with over-regulation in Corvermell, are heading offshore in ever-increasing numbers.
"We must keep our business in our country. We need these jobs to help our economy grow and flourish. If we let these businesses slip through our fingers and move offshore then we only become more dependant on the outside world! We must to become self sufficient, and to do this we need more jobs in Corvermell."

Thousands of business men and women have taken to the streets in protest of their working conditions and pay. "It's not fair that we can't have a union," says George W. Jamieson, VP of Sales at SlothCorp. "Just because we make six figures doesn't mean we don't deserve overtime too! It's high time that the lower classes come to appreciate our hard efforts."
"While I do not agree with what they are protesting we need their work. Everyone in Corvermell serves a purpose and so do they. I say nay to giving them more money but perhaps once we have gotten our economy in a more stable position we may then be able to raise the wages off all those in Corvermell. But to do that we need the cooperation of all Vermellans."

A monstrous debate between pro-life and pro-choice groups has erupted after a high-profile case of a pregnant woman aborting her foetus because she 'didn't feel like it' hit the tabloids.
"This goes directly against the Law of Red. We cannot allow abortions to go on any longer. I say outlaw abortion entirely and condemn those who think it okay to end the life of their innocent child! It matters not if they are ready. The goddess has bestowed upon them a gift of new life and we must cherish it and nurture it. Abortion goes against everything we believe in in the Law of Red."

(Sorry these weren't long. Idk what else to say. :confused:)


Lord of Altera
Issue #1
In response to the first issue, regarding big businesses leaving Corvermell, Illjas Sannleika would be all-in on trying to get the businesses to stay.

Contrary to Veyrattin's reasons of "self-sufficiency", however, Sannleika believes that Corvermell is so far away from becoming self-sufficient that these businesses are essential to support the economy. Corvermell does not have the cash and resources amongst its citizens to currently support a contained, "self-sufficient" economy; thus, exports are required to bring in cash flow to the nation, and businesses are required to create "stuff" to export.

Sannleika would make a point of making sure that business that remain are hiring Vermellans and investing profits back into Corvermell. Business are of no benefit if their profits simply return to foreign corporate centers of commerce.

Issue #2
In response to the second issue, regarding white collar unionization (does that even apply in Corvermell?), Sannleika would largely support option number three.

Sannleika supports legalizing unions for all Vermellans, as such equal opportunity is only fair, but at the same time, she would also support reducing the powers of all unions. Sannleika believes that the presence of the unions, among other things, is deterring businesses from settling in Corvermell.

She supports the existence of unions to prevent the abuse of the workforce, but she also wants to ensure that the unions are not granted so much power that they can stranglehold business.

Issue #3
The issue of abortion is one issue where Sannleika's position is almost exactly the same as the traditionalist position.

Sannleika, in accordance with the Law of Red, believes that abortion should be illegal under all but one circumstance: if the mother's life is seriously, unavoidably in danger. If a decision must be made between mother or child, Sannleika supports saving the mother.


Lord of Altera
*ahem* time to do this.

I'm ready to reach a final decision. I'll message people about it privately, and see if I can bloody decide. let's see here....

  • Nalki Veyrattin, despite her support, knows that she's growing too old, and has dropped out in order to focus on the struggles in Kamiki. (sorry Brian.) her influence has, however, greatly affected certain key issues.
  • after a very very long debate on abortion, Corvermell has finally ceded to disallow abortion... except in cases of rape, or possible danger to the mother. these loopholes happened thanks to the arguments of Housekeeper Sannleika and Housekeeper .... Vaila Namasie.
  • white-collar workers have been resoundingly refused the chance at a union in most islands.
  • in response to the leave of bigger businesses, Vermellans everywhere have said, "good riddance!" and then promptly began to support smaller vermellan-owned business. score one for repelling neo-colonialism
  • Corvermell's rising population is still an issue :(
  • I totally forgot to mention this, didn't I. this thing happened a few IC weeks back:
Housekeeper Namasie has gone on the record as stating that roachen hate speech (such as Alvaro Perez's infamous tirade) comes from a place of fear, fear of the strength of the vermellan culture, that could easily overtake such uncultured, fascist nations.
Upon hearing about this, the Roachen military government brings in one small trade boat (Protected by decent sized ship for protection of the trade vessel.) to give a gift of weapons to Covermell. It's addressed to the Housekeeper Namasie and contains three assault rifles and a note for 'Peace between our nations'."
Housekeeper Namasie displayed this message publicly, in a public event where she stood before a furnace, with the gift of rifles in a bin beside her. she spoke,
"look now, is it not as I told you? they call us weak, and yet, offer us the tools of destruction as gifts, and ask us for peace. and peace they will have. finally, our words speak true to the outsiders, and this is the first step towards a new future, one where all people come to understand our strength."
she ended the event by throwing the (ensured unloaded) weapons into the furnace, destroying them.
"while the gesture is appreciated," she explained, "I am devout to the Law of Red, and cannot morally accept these tools of murder."
powerful statement. Curacha get rekt.
  • and three weeks later, Curacha has declared war on Corvermell, for supposedly abducting roachen workers and making them work in mines. this is ridiculous assumption is decidedly false. there's no gold mines in Cuevara, and that's the only place where those roachen guys even went. besides, those were prisoners of war, or criminals or something. Curacha didn't even want them. ludicrous.
  • on THAT note, Housekeeper Kouam Galtare's statements after the declaration of war are a point of contention. while some say its inciting violence, others are cheering him on.
  • Tarjikstan's uh. statement is uh. wow Tarjikstan.
  • the twitter trending tag, #dorobotsbleed, has been going wild ever since Housekeeper Vaila Namasie had taken to answering questions about life as a synthetic on her twitter account:
"#NamasieAMA wait, so what exactly do you even think of #dorobotsbleed? is it offensive to synthetics? little lost"

"It's good to see questions being asked about synthetics - the better understood as a people we are, the more accepting the world 1/2"
"will be of us, and what we want most is to be equals with all peoples. Yes, robots bleed. #NamasieAMA 2/2"

" 'Yes, robots bleed.' -Housekeeper Vaila Namasie
OMG somebody tell Housekeeper Kaltyia we cracked the code."

(Tags: @Deathmoron @Baron @OneRedBlock and then people)