Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Nauld Rekton

Sergeant Freedom

Lord of Altera
Name: Nauld Rekton
Other Names: None
Titles: None

Age: 22
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Current Residence: None
Relationship Status: None
Social Status: None

Physical Appearance:

Height: 6'3
Eye Color: Green
Skin Color: White
Shape of Face: Chiseled
Distinguishing Features: A scar over his left eye
Build of Body: Heavy well defined
Hair Color: Brown
Hair Style:Short
Complexion: Dirty
Posture: Straight
Is Seen By Others As:
Scars: A scar over his left eye
Voice: Raspy but deep


Likes: Drinking, fighting, and hunting
Dislikes: Reading, sitting around
Strengths: Lifting heavy objects
Weaknesses: Reading a book
Fears: N/A
Values: Smithing and iron and steel over all else
Education: Low
Languages: Common
General Attitude: Cocky
Religious Inclination: None
General Intelligence: Low
General Sociability: Medium
Alignment: Neutral

Short Term Goals: To drink and sleep with the women of the hour

Long Term Goals: To become a great warrior and a better smith


Wardrobe: Red and grey furs
Jewelry: None

Pets/Animals: None

Owned Homes: None

Carried Inventory: A single doublesided axe
General Inventory: He owns a doublesided axe and a longsword as well as a longbow

General Wealth: Low


Illnesses: None
Allergies: None
Injuries: None
Sleeping Habits: Heavy Sleeper
Energy Levels: Medium
Eating Habits: High
Exercise Habits: Medium
Memory: Medium
Unhealthy Habits: None
Drinking Habits: High


Birthplace: In a village up north

Childhood: Carrying the logs for the men of the village

Teen Years: Training and competing with his siblings to become the chief of the village

Adulthood: N/A

Family History: A long history of warriors

Past Places of Residences: None

Places Traveled: N/A


Peaceful or violent: Violent

Weaponry: Double Sided Axe, and two hatchets

Combat Training: Yes

Training & Skills:

Combat via axe and hand to hand combat, Basic smithing

Other Trivia:

Occupation: None
Favorite Types of Food: Lamb
Favorite Types of Drink: Rum
Hobbies/Pastimes: Hitting things
Favorite Colors: Red


Relevant Family Members: None
Romantic Interests: None
Trusted Friends: None
Friendly With: Rina, Etrius, Mutt'
Loose Acquaintances: Hakovi
Disfavored Individuals: Bok'ra, Evan
Hated: None
Wary Of: None
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