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New shop plugin ! (ChestShop)

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Greetings loyal subjects of the Silver Crown !

Your kings have decided upon a new plugin with which to trade on this server. We are removing VS shop in favor of ChestShop 3. We are hoping this will stimulate more RP and feel like actual trading. We are leaving VS on for an extra week, giving everyone a chance to pull their stuff off the shop.

We have set it so that only Nobles (and above) can create shops.

For the workings of Chestshop I would like to refer you to this thread.

We are setting up admin shops in Port Silver, all other shops must be outside Port Silver within towns. I recommend placing them near your towns spawn. Admin shop prices will fluctuate.

Also town travel is now in. You can teleport to another town by typing /town spawn [name]. This will cost you 100 silver !

If you don't want people traveling to your town, type /town toggle public to turn 'public mode' off.

Now you will be able to travel around through towns, and look through their market places.


King ForumStalker
Has this moved, because when I click on it the link does not work or says it cannot be found.

I know this thread is eons old but I want to know chestshop controls since I am being a derp and somehow forgot, sorry to be a pain :confused:
I have a "How to make money in Altera" guide somewhere in the help and tutorials section that has a tutorial on how to make chest shops.


Lord of Altera
<number of item>
<number Id>



The example shows that mrbubbles1951 owns a shop that sells one red wool for a price of 10 radiants and the shop buys it for a price of 5
The I'd number is 35 (for the wool) and the :14 which defines which type of wool (this is not needed for items that do not have subtypes like coal or diamond)

Just write that out on a sign
and all should be fine

Look at me rhyming skills
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