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Ngawai's Ban appeal

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Loyal Servant of Altera
Hey, I was just chatting with friends in OOC and then I got banned for dark magic :eek: I dont xray! I know Im new and its hard to beleive but I dont! I got alot of diamonds because I have Fortune III pickaxe and I mine alot. please believe me I love this server soooo much and I only just joined a week ago!


Retired Staff
First, I'm going to move this to the right place.

Okay, your first mining trip to the hollows:
You started mining randomly somewhere in the hollows, came upon a lavalake, turned right, then, all of a sudden left again, went up one block, found emeralds, went five blocks straight, dug a stair down, more emeralds, straight again, diamonds, up, lavalake, removed stone, diamonds, randomly left, more diamonds.

Your second mining trip to the SW:
You finds diamonds (he hit them right up), then went left, dug a stone away above your head, where was iron, and behind that, diamonds.
Go on, hit gravel, moves one block to the left, starts making your tunnel 3 blocks high and find, guess what, diamonds.

Next, SW again.
You go into a random tunnel, dig a bit of stone away, diamonds, walks some more through a random tunnel, remove some stone above your head, emerald, two blocks further, remove some stone in the side wall/above your head, diamonds, makes a somewhat zigzaggy road, removes some stone above his head, monster spawner.
Note, I was stalking you with this one, you really do look conspicious when mining.

And your last mining trip:
Walking through random tunnels, removing stone, finding iron and above that diamond, where somebody has already dug a tunnel/cleared an area. Also some more random tunnelling/removing stone and finding ores behind that.

If this is not enough explaination, I can copy screenshots for you.
34 diamonds in 2 minutes
19 diamonds in 4 minutes
19 diamonds in 6 minutes
24 diamonds in 8 minutes

Please don't blame this on your fortune pickaxe, these aren't the actual diamonds you found, but the amount of ores you broke.


Loyal Servant of Altera
Explanation: I often go through other peoples tunnels and mine left over redstone/coal/iron and behind some of those were diamonds.. also when Im going down a loong straight tunnel I dig around me every now and then and most times I DONT get diamond but you only saw the ones where I got lucky.. the mob spawner I heard alot of zombies so I dug around me and when I dug up I hit mossy cobble! and in the hollows I just dug randomly because someone told me there is ores EVERYWHERE so I got like 8-10 emeralds and some diamonds.. See? I can explain all of it! Please believe me! Im not lying.. I never been banned for xray before!


Retired Staff
First, I can believe your point on the zombies.
But second, 9 out of 10 times you randomly dug above your head, you found something, wether it be emerald or diamonds. I've gone through most of your tunnels, and I didn't find a lot where you dug above your head and found nothing. In fact, most of your tunnels were commong 2x1 tunnels, until there were diamonds around.


Loyal Servant of Altera
in this mornings trip to the SW I was completely random with mines because of claims/lava/and picked clean mines.. can that explain enough for you? :confused:


Loyal Servant of Altera
can someone else look at them too like sally? shes more experienced with xray hunting and she can tell that Im not lying..


Burner of Worlds
The evidence has already been reviewed by a large number of mods and admins over several days and we are all in agreement.


Loyal Servant of Altera
Ive been able to explain pretty much all you have accused me of.. Please im begging you believe me!


Loyal Servant of Altera
only the last one was lucky... the others were litterally just one block if not exposed from the mineshaft and when I come by and mine the stone its exposed PS. the first three are stone block breaks.... no diamond or emerald.. as I promised before.. I can explain it all! I DONT xray!


Lord of Altera
Well that was fun :D went through every single tunnel and to every single block-break. I found these:
14993752 2012-10-21 15:55:58 ngawai Block Break southern_wilds 670,10,612 Diamond Ore
14994251 2012-10-21 15:57:47 ngawai Block Break southern_wilds 640,12,614 Diamond Ore
15480170 2012-10-23 17:55:15 ngawai Block Break southern_wilds -3385,11,-3159 Diamond Ore
15494284 2012-10-23 19:10:27 ngawai Block Break hollowresource -339,119,281 Diamond Ore
16104806 2012-10-25 16:25:20 ngawai Block Break southern_wilds 331,14,371 Iron Ore
16105042 2012-10-25 16:27:08 ngawai Block Break southern_wilds 421,14,430 129
16114917 2012-10-25 18:53:26 ngawai Block Break southern_wilds 279,14,606 Lapis Lazuli Ore
16115603 2012-10-25 18:57:18 ngawai Block Break southern_wilds 223,14,627 129
16115817 2012-10-25 18:58:35 ngawai Block Break southern_wilds 208,12,591 Diamond Ore

The last few ores you broke were in other players tunnels, where none of the ores you broke were visible, they weren't, we can check that-

Lying about not xraying just makes it worse, you have red paint on your hands sir :I.


Retired Staff
Don't lie. I've checked every block in a tunnel which could've been seen from your tunnel, and all were stone, for the once I used as evidence, yes, you had one or two legit veins, the others were hidden.


Loyal Servant of Altera
Explanation: I often go through other peoples tunnels and mine left over redstone/coal/iron and behind some of those were diamonds.. also when Im going down a loong straight tunnel I dig around me every now and then!
As I said before I go through other players tunnels and mine the walls and floor randomly and most the time I dont find anything.. but then I do you screenshot it and say its xray...


Lord of Altera
You didn't mine the floors and walls randomly, if you did, it was on another server :/. I followed through every single tunnel (8000+ block breaks btw x_x ) and you never mined through it "at random", otherwise that would count as a pattern, and there were none. The only time blocks were broken below or above was when there were ores and then when the xraying started, most commonly with the emerald ores.


Loyal Servant of Altera
( I broke 8000 blocks already? geez) Can I have the benefit of a doubt here? Pretend you all knew me and I had been here over a year.. most of you would know that Im innocent! when people xray it is a bunch of winding tunnels and straight to ores.. Im sure I missed tons of ores near the tunnel..


Retired Staff
As I said before I go through other players tunnels and mine the walls and floor randomly and most the time I dont find anything.. but then I do you screenshot it and say its xray...
I've gone through a few of your tunnels, and I've only found places where you 'randomly dug' and found ores.
About the screenshot, you started going left out of nowhere from that tunnel, found diamond and gold.
Second screenshot:
You continue, randomly dig away stone, find diamond.
After that find you turned around, go into another pre-dug tunnel
Third screenshot
Random stone above head, lapis

Listen, I can continue going through your tunnels, but every random block you dig away, shows ores behind it.

First, we can't turn a blind eye, nor is there much, if at all any, doubt.
Second, even players who've been here over a year will be banned when caught x-raying, without further warning or whatsoever.

And not all x-rayers make winding tunnels, most mine a lot of ores, like you, some make their own tunnels, some use other people's tunnels, like you, to make it easier.



Lord of Altera
Let's make this easy
Before: 2012-10-26_07.14.06.png
After: 2012-10-26_07.15.55.png

And 8000+ was all your block breaks since the 18th, Boulderpaul has broken 8,697 since the 18th.
And I broke 11,891 since the 18th, I'm pretty sure I only broke 1 suspicious ore, and yet I only got 79 diamonds when you got 139?
Seems legit :I.

Anyway, this is a waste of time, no one else gets that many suspicious ore breaks that quickly unless they're xraying, so I'm locking this.


Reaching for the Heavens
Retired Staff
Second, even players who've been here over a year will be have been banned when caught x-raying, without further warning or whatsoever.
We have lost some really nice, mature, friendly, hard working and long time players to the temptations of the Dark Magic...
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