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Olaf - Character Profile


Lord of Altera
Name: Olaf Stronghammer

Nickname/Alias: Olaf the Wild
Age: Appears around 50 ish (but his true age is forgotten)
Weight:12 stone
Hair:Mossy Green / Greying
Eyes:Deep Green / Blue
Skin:Pale but often painted for various ceremonial reasons or camouflaging.

Identifying Marks:A hammer tattoo on his right fore-arm from his long forgotten days in another land.

Appearance: A broad man of average height with a thick neck and large rough hands broken from work. Olafs facial features are mainly lost under a large and splendid beard that has many tendrils that break off and loop back up almost plant like in appearance. Above which sit 2 deep green / blue eyes that sparkle when he laughs. Olaf wears a fine coat weaved for him by an elven craftswoman. It bears mainly natures palette, muted greens with the occasioal flash of emerald or blue. It has fine tradional patternation all over and is great protection from the elements. Beneath which he wears a simple shirt and sturdy pants. Olaf walks with bear feet a lot of the time but will wear boots when visiting a city to at least cover up the smell a bit.

Personality: Olaf is a Wilderness man having never settled in any town he lives a nomadic lifestyle revolving around adventure and exploration of Altera. Stopping only to mine and gather resources to sell in market. Although he dreams of one day settling down somewhere deep in the forests of Altera. Olaf tends to keep his own company but is not anti social. He is a hard worker and is often seen in all the towns and cities of Altera loving to travel widely and trade. He cant stop long though because he always dreams of the wild and hates the confines and walls of the cities. Very straight to the point, polite and a big believer in honour, loyalty, wisdom and knowledge.Olaf has flourished from the land of Altera and has much to thanks Shalherana for making him a devout follower of mother. Olaf likes to tend to the trees and enjoys hunting and crafting from all of the bounties produced by the land.

The Story so far: Let me tell you my story traveller. Many moons ago in another land beyond the very northern edge of the world itself my people live. We were a war like people raiding and pillaging our neighbours overseas. It was on one of these raids that our boat was caught in a terrible storm and blown hundreds nay innumerable miles off course. Well what happened on that boat over the next cycle of the moon is better left to memory traveller. I was the only survivor.
All seemed lost friend and after many days without water my spirit fell into darkness. Then as if from a dream i awoke upon the shores of this great kingdom you call Altera. It took me many moons friend before i even met another soul. And over time since that point i have traversed the four points of the land and learned much!
I know not what my real age be friend but i am sure if Shalherana had not found me that day, on these shores I would have been nought but ash already. Having wandered the land so long i have adopted many new ways and traditions. Even my appearance has changed! My beard grew more mossy and green from long nights spent in the wild over countless moons. Shalherana has shown me many mysteries on my travels.
So now I Olaf the Green look for a new home in this land. Maybe its over the next hill friend?