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Upcoming [OOG] HW Community Civ 5 Games


Non sum qualis eram
Planned for Friday and Saturday of this week, at around ~6PM EST (Subject to alterations.)

Please sign up as teams of two for the timeslots you have available, since we have enough interest a full 6+-person free-for-all might become ungainly. If this is not possible for us to achieve we might have to do singles but we'll see!

Expect the games to both go for ~5-6 hours. We will be using the fastest possible settings.

Preliminary rules:
Poland banned. You may keep Poland if you get it rolling random Civ but you may suffer the Poland Penalty.
Korea and Babylon banned. You may keep either if you roll random. You may specifically play Korea if and only if your teammate plays Japan. You may specifically play Bablyon if and only if your teammate plays Assyria.
Spain is hard banned due to unpredictably being able to instantly win the game and otherwise being garbage. Rolling Spain in random will cause a re-roll.
Rolling Venice when playing 'Random Civ' allows you to mulligan the game. Rolling Iroquois does not.

Techs and Units:
Atomic Bombs are banned. Nuclear missiles are not.

Setup: Pangaea, Quick, Simultaneous Turns, Promotion & Policy Saving. Smallest map size that fits all players.

Feel free to ask questions and whatnot, this is a prelim time scheduling and rule setup.
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No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
Can we sign up as both teams AND civs and lock in / reserve our choices?

Dark Auras

Depends on the demand? I don't really play Civ 5 MP a whole lot.
Just a random civ generator so theres no dispute over claims etc. You can block out the banned civs and stuff too. Then it gives players the option of how many options you setup so its not only 1.


Non sum qualis eram
Just a random civ generator so theres no dispute over claims etc. You can block out the banned civs and stuff too. Then it gives players the option of how many options you setup so its not only 1.
I don't have any issues with dupes in the first place but we'll see if we even need to. I know I plan to do a themed thing anyways and thus drafting would ruin it.


Yū Yi
Aw shoot I want to be part of this, but my gaming PC is not available for a while :(

If my PC is up before this starts, I would like to play a part!
I do not have a team yet though, will work on that


Faith prevail
Retired Staff
I love me some Civ, especially V, but I shan't be around during those time slots. I shall wish the Central Powers Axis Powers Bois good luck.

The restrictions do seem somewhat... I dunno... but much for some friendly Civ.

Good luck lads!


Lord of Altera
me and Charybdis take babylon and assyria
Friday doesn't work for her, and 6 PM either day doesn't for me, but around 7 PM does.

scratch that, am busy both days
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