Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Active Now Overseer summons


Lord of Altera
Retired Staff

Heralded by the grey and venerated,
a seldom heard whisper turns towards the gossip of lower decks and common streets.
A distant and scarcely believable word-of-mouth invitation to those sacrificed to the deity most watchful.
A resurgence of faith devoted, beaconing an opportunity for the new and determined
to partake in a rite of discord and demand for their station among the many.

TheChibiKiwi & @@anyone else interested in cult shenanigans
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Loyal Servant of Altera
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
*Lily feels something in her, a calling. She lights the candles at her shrine*

"Watcher, do you speak to me? I am listening."

*She hears nothing but feels in her..something. She was slowly becoming as radical as all divine worshipers in Gallia*

"Then..i shall seek"

*She doesn't hear anything. She doesn't feel a divine talking to her. She just feels like she needs to leave her home, to seek out the unknown*

Retro yes


Lord of Altera
Retired Staff
The rumours and gossip intensify and begfin to point towards a single location always tethered by seafog at that time.
A coastside between Veraci and Storm's Landing, on the eastern coast. Where a lonesome rowing boat sits, pushed to the sand,
marked by a strange, zoological symbol. Where upon the full bloom of moonlight each month,
a thicket of sea fog condenses around the location in a small radius.

For only a moment of time only once at a month, those with the interest are given the time to discover the undisclosed

truth behind the signs leading there, and per chance, or by measure of knowledge, be allowed to join it's design.


I'm doing a small, routine event at the end of each month at full moon to pass a test for joining this cult.
I'm setting the rating to public and violent as though the point is go through a rite of passage for success.
Meaning rolls will be involved, and failure is possible. Anyone is welcome to join and try.

I'm setting a small challenge for this, so reaping the rewards is actually nicer. When this happens is freeform.
Message me and we can set up a time as one likes, but only once per month.

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