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(Please no shitposting) League of Legends


Lord of Altera
Yes, I know it has a toxic fanbase.

Yes, I know it's not the best game of all time.

Yes, I know many people crack jokes at how much they hate it...

I still wanna find people to play with on the NA servers, anyone else get their daily dose of masochism and salt from this game? I'm down to play with pretty much anyone, I main support, ADC, and top... and it's very hard to get me angry from this XD


Lord of Altera
so long as you play on NA and aren't toxic, I don't care XD
*Insert shitpost here because you don't tell me what to do Chaos.*
I'm gonna actually be serious here, I'm not pissy about this, but it does get old whenever I mention I play League and I only get crap for it. I know you don't mean anythingby it, but I really did mean it when I said no shit posting please.


Lord of Altera
i used to play League with friends, but i stopped after a while when i got into Smite. i’m trash at both tho lol
i mained Miss Fortune in League, and Neith in smite.


Lord of Altera
i used to play League with friends, but i stopped after a while when i got into Smite. i’m trash at both tho lol
i mained Miss Fortune in League, and Neith in smite.
Smite mmmmmmmm
(I don't play League, sorry!)


Lord of Altera
i used to play League with friends, but i stopped after a while when i got into Smite. i’m trash at both tho lol
i mained Miss Fortune in League, and Neith in smite.
Smite mmmmmmmm
(I don't play League, sorry!)
Smite’s fun too, and I still need to redownload it, but there are times I don’t want to have to spin myself to make sure my lane’s fine, and sometimes I just like a league character more... still need to redownload smite though, I got the all gods pack and it’s probably been put to good use in the time I haven’t played.


friendly neighborhood inquisitor
Retired Staff
I used to play smite, and mained Tyr, Anubis & Hercules, but now my computer is absolute crap (And i don't play league, sry)


The Shadow Admín
Retired Staff
I used to play League with Niah but my connection when I moved isn’t good enough unfortunately. I have a hate for Smite as one of my old friends who was...he’s one of those folks when he likes something first his attempt at persuading people makes everyone hate it instead.

As for League I was never great. Just mediocre and honestly my favorite games were playing as Nasus up top and just farming till like 45 mins in and one shoting everyone and everything.


Lord of Altera
I used to play League with Niah but my connection when I moved isn’t good enough unfortunately. I have a hate for Smite as one of my old friends who was...he’s one of those folks when he likes something first his attempt at persuading people makes everyone hate it instead.

As for League I was never great. Just mediocre and honestly my favorite games were playing as Nasus up top and just farming till like 45 mins in and one shoting everyone and everything.
hello im nasus main.


Lord of Altera
I used to play League with Niah but my connection when I moved isn’t good enough unfortunately. I have a hate for Smite as one of my old friends who was...he’s one of those folks when he likes something first his attempt at persuading people makes everyone hate it instead.

As for League I was never great. Just mediocre and honestly my favorite games were playing as Nasus up top and just farming till like 45 mins in and one shoting everyone and everything.
hello im nasus main.
Look at all dem Susans...


You've yeed your last haw
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I play. Hit me up sometime, and we can get some games going.


You've yeed your last haw
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Shadow Owner


Lord of Altera
Lore Staff
don't know why people would give you grief over this game. I enjoyed it. Though its been ages since ive last played.


Lord of Altera
I rarely play anymore and when I do play I suck. Mostly an ADC main who stumbles into mid or jungle when I wanna play a certain champion. >_>... Satanic Teemo Or if you're a low level; Silver Shafted


Lord of Altera
I rarely play anymore and when I do play I suck. Mostly an ADC main who stumbles into mid or jungle when I wanna play a certain champion. >_>... Satanic Teemo Or if you're a low level; Silver Shafted
NGG Catanomical, Hit me up.
don't know why people would give you grief over this game. I enjoyed it. Though its been ages since ive last played.
All are welcome into my premades :D

EDIT: though for those not posted, Account names would be nice if you guys feel like playing again.


Mountain Bum
Retired Staff
Trash Vi main on EUW - Really Angry Cow