Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[Poster] Buying Booze


Events Staff
Very Sweet

*A poster hangs upon the notice boards of Storm's Landing and Sanardu. No, I didn't put a book there. Yes it can be assumed to be heard through rumour/chit chat.*

If you've seen my other poster, you'd know I'm aiming to
host a festival some time soon. A party is no party without
excessive amounts of alcohol however, and so I aim to get
a variety of types of alcohol that can be enjoyed by all.
If you've a particular type of alcohol you'd be willing to
sell my by the barrel or bottle, come find me in Sanardu
and we can discuss prices.


Trystan Fuvur

= = =

OOC: Same as the last. I wanna have more RP in leading up to the event and put some emphasis on what other regions/houses might export. I'll try 'advertise' it at the festival itself in the hopes of boosting trade too. I'll pay OOC, I tend to do that with Fuvur things. (You dont need IG items.)



Bored Brit
i have copious amounts of golden rum IG items, you can have them for free if you like


Bird, Knows What's Good
Retired Staff
obligatory post, obligatory forewarning that aspen isn't affiliated with any house, as far the ooc note goes