Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[Poster] Mercenaries Recruiting


Lord of Altera
*A Poster is found nailed to a post at the Cross Roads*

There has been far too much crime in the world. People are walking around with gold in their pockets and no consequences for their actions. This is why we have been created, this is why we are taking a stand

Any able-bodied soul who wishes to help remove these crimes, for a price, or those who wish to hire our services, please speak with Rolan at the Crossroads

All recruits will be trained to undergo all types of contracts and situations

~The Coin


Back in the old days I had an organisation called, The Bloody Coin and I wish to create a very similar group once again. This is a mercenary organisation consisting of thieves, murderers, guards and lawyers (jks). This group has been created as many fights are happening throughout Altera and there are little to no consequences occurring for these actions.

To apply to join this new organisation please submit an application using this format

Character Name:
Forum Name:
Link to Profile:
Preferred method of fighting/Contracts (Be it face to face combat or thieving etc):
Why you wish to join:

Thank you all for your assistance in helping to create this organisation~



Lord of Altera
Character Name: Fulgrim Arralon
Forum Name: MaelstromPuddle
Link to Profile: Linked in my signiture
Preferred method of fighting/Contracts (Be it face to face combat or thieving etc) : Face to face combat with medical
Why you wish to join: Just like old times? isn't it?