Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[Posters] Large Order for Capable Tailors


The Lurker
Retired Staff
*Vague posters put up in vague places to represent this slowly becoming common knowledge because I am too lazy to make actual IG posters*


A seamstress, or tailor, of reasonable skill is requested come to The Compendium at the bequest of Esther Caldwell. The necessary garments will be many, but the payment for such more than fair. Funding for the work will be provided by the charitable Athryl Mithtanil, should there be any doubt as to the validity of this work.

Any may find Esther Caldwell within the Last Home Orphanage, or within Storm's Landing.


(I would very much like to get these things through RP, although it is entirely IC. No OOC payment. IceandFire )​