Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Project Zomboid


'Ello there fellas ! I found this awesome zombie-game what is called: You quessed right ! Project Zomboid !

Project Zomboid is a Zombie Surival RPG. Basically you are quarantined with other people in a little city (or big :D) and you have to survive.
There's no "winning" this game. There is only surviving longer or dying earlier. The city turns while you play, for example (planned) city generator runs out of fuel and suddenly there's no light, that's when those flashlights have their weight paid in gold . Of course you have to eat and drink or you will suffer many penalties, including starving to death ( Not a good way to go :( ). It hasn't got most advanced graphics but this game has a lot of potential to become fabulous zombie-game, even a MMO-Zombie-game :eek: . There is a released " demo ", so it's in its testing phase still.
It's only on PC for now .

Check it out here: