Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[Public Notice] A Security Threat


Lord of Altera

[The poster would be hung all across Storm's Landing as well as in the tavern]
In response to the actions seen on several accounts, Orvar Sif Sigurd is hereby deemed a threat to the security of the New Lands by the Alteran Rangers' Guild. The Rangers' Guild does not recognize the man for any titles or accomplishments but as man who has become nothing more than a rabid dog.
Those who willingly follow him are deemed likewise, unless they willingly turn themselves in to the Rangers' Guild. However, should they flee and hide away once their master is gone? Well, it is said best by the words of Theodra.​
As the Huntress teaches:
"Be ever vigilant- Do not give mercy, and do not expect it."
Those that do not turn themselves in and flee will be hunted down by the Rangers' Guild, and be treated like their master. No walls, nor laws will save them. Security will be restored.​
Rangers lead the way!
Alustrum Godfrey
Senior Sentinel of the Rangers' Guild​
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