Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Poster [Public Notice] Elias du Beaumont


Bored Brit

In the eyes of God and man the Holy Church of Artois declares the late Elias du Beaumont to be officially decanonised for the crimes against the doctrine of the sun.
He will no longer be referred to as a Saint in any teaching nor will he find solace in God's heaven. He shall be remembered for the truth, that he was a false prophet who spread lies and discourse throughout the realm.
His codexes and teachings shall be burned. His lies will no longer be spread.

The truth has been revealed, as it always will be.

Veritas illuminat et verum praevalebit.

If there is anybody who has problems
with this post and doubts its legitimate
grounding in RP, please do not hesitate
to add me to a convo and I will gladly
explain what I can.


Lord of Altera
Near a quiet battlefield, a lone general stands triumphant, a sneer across his face as he kneels before a setting sun. His words uttered are always the same, begging her majesty for forgiveness. A soldier dressed in dirtied armor runs up to him, clearly making his presence known.

"My Imperator! News from the homeland!" The soldier would hand his general a parchment, looking over it a sneer would turn into a smile, a gentle laughter echoes from him.

"So it is Uncle, The Goddesses Righteous Fury now sets upon you."