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Public Notice]

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Lord of Altera
Poster in response

In response to King Peters allegations and demands the following things shall happen in and of all things addressed in order.

  1. In addressing the payment for the royal family injuries two payments of gems shall be sent to her Highness Alison for her injuries and his Grace peter. These payments shall be sent to their homes individually for their use.
  2. As to the lifting of banishment of the Individual's requested this will not happen he broke a heavy law. That even the realm of Anhald has in their own teachings and lay of land and so no public apology will be made. It is a clear cut law that usually demands death but out of respect of princess Alison as her vassal it was cut down to banishment.
  3. To the slandering of how guests were treated it was a joust and all those who participated knew the risks involved. Medical facilities were provided and the wounded taken of the field in a timely manner., so that the event would not be held up and could continue fluidly and without hinderance.
  4. Abermore lands are not a result of barring as the marriages are yet to happen thus it does not exsist, the banishment only happens in the lands controlled by Duke ansgar Telarion and the Royal City Slyannen.


Duke Ansgar Telarion


No ooc money will spent at all this is my decision no one will be getting asnything you were given wealth in chests of gems. Since this is the third altercation between me and certain people in anahld I wont name names from this point onward stay off my lands please and away and I'll stay away from yours. As well in the nutshell do not post on any of my threads thank you and I won't post on yours its all I ask.Any further escalation I do not consent to at all nor anymore rp interaction between eachother since we cannot get along at all it seems.

To add to this there is only one person that i have for this list oocly and overall.


And the reson why is this is not the first time i have had this issue with this bieng the third time over all. Everytime something escalates involving you and me on forums or rp its always blown way up and im just tired of it in general.





object oriented
Staff member
Retired Owner
The following IC response absolves further conflict from arising between the two IC (Umbra and Cap). Both sides have been spoken to regarding the situation. A thread will be made to clarify what 'blacklisting' is and how it pertains to the playerbase. Wait a bit while we sort final touches.

The reason for this early posting was due to a deadline set for Umbra to reply IC by Wednesday.
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