Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Missing Raedon


Lord of Altera
Amendments shall be noted in red.

General Information:

Name: Raedon
Other Names: Rae
Titles: -

Age: 54
Race: Silver Elf
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Hetrosexual
Current Residence: Arget Isles
Relationship Status: Single
Social Status: Wandering

Physical Appearance:

Height: 6’2
Weight: 153
Eye Color: Cold grey.
Skin Color: Pale
Distinguishing Features: Has a very sharp lawline, due to him keeping himself thin.
Build of Body: Lithe
Hair Color: Solid Black
Hair Style: Various, mostly he allows it to flow free.
Complexion: Light
Posture: Straight, his head held high, in almost arrogance.
Is Seen By Others As: Depending on which version of himself Raedon decides to show you, it could be wise and reserved, annoying, witty, quiet, dark, cynical, ect.
Scars: None
Voice: TBA


Likes: Do come and find out!
Dislikes: Do come and..find out!
Strengths: *Fiercely loyal *Plotting against people *Stealth and the ability to disappear.
Weaknesses: *Sometimes he does not recognise the danger he is in. *Has a habit of bringing his banter to an offensive level without realising. *His temper is prone to outbursts, although it takes a lot to provoke it.
Fears: *Harm befalling his loved ones, Cassian, Laisa, Pascal, etc. *Harm befalling himself *Never finding purpose after his return.
Education: Highly Educated
Languages: Elven, Aurion, Common
General Attitude: Joking, cynical from time to time, optimistic ofttimes, playful.
Religious Inclination:
General Intelligence: Quite good, that of a plotter.
General Sociability: Raedon tends to keep to himself, it is often the job of the other party to approach him.

Short Term Goals: To reintegrate himself into the lives of the people he loves, and to have an active role in the world around him.

Long Term Goals: To find a place in the world for himself.


Wardrobe: *One long white tunic with a hood, that which covers his skin, to keep it hidden from the elements.

*Various formal outfits

*An outfit to wear when traveling the northern kingdoms, to keep him warm.

*An outfit to wear in the sun, mainly in the south.

*One cloak of ermine.
Jewelry: -

Pets/Animals: -

Owned Homes: A house on the Isles, formerly a tower in the city of Slyannen, although he is unaware of it’s status, if it has to sized by Andre after he left.

Carried Inventory: * Various foods *A rad purse *A dagger for protection *
General Inventory: -

General Wealth: Average


Illnesses: N/A
Allergies: N/A
Injuries: N/A
Sleeping Habits: Sometimes normal, prone to sleepless nights.
Energy Levels: Depends on the above, overall average.
Eating Habits: Normal
Exercise Habits: -
Memory: Quite good, if sometimes things do get mixed.
Unhealthy Habits: -
Drinking Habits: Once regular, he does not drink often anymore.

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Birthplace: Arget Isles

Childhood: Raedon was born as a bastard on the Argent Isles. It was a mild morning that day. His mother was a lowborn Silver Elf. His father, a noble. His mother had gone through pregnancy alone. His father, preferring not to have the nuance of a child thrust upon him, went about his life. The following day after Raedon's birth, his grandfather, with Raedon and his daughter in toe, traveled to the home of Raedon's father. Without an explanation, the innocent Silver Elfling was thrust upon the man that had sired him. The screams of his unknown mother as her child was handed away still an echo that walks beside him...

Teen Years: Raedon's life was that of nobility. Although a bastard, he enjoyed the lifestyle of a high Silver Elf. He never met his mother, nor would any member of the household tell him who she was. He had laid on his bed, dreaming of situations and scenarios of how that day went. What was said? Was it her that had handed him over? Did she love him? Questions as fierce as thunder rolled in his mind.

Adulthood: Often hidden from other nobles, he spent most of his time in that room, watching the day pass by. But nevertheless, his father and his family did take great care of him. His uncle, Moein would visit the house from time to time, bringing back items and trinkets he had collected. One such item was a bow he had acquired. Raedon took great interest in this bow. He became transfixed by the dynamic of it. To listen to the arrow fly was a very pleasing sound, indeed. His uncle, not actually requiring the bow was kind enough to give it to Raedon. And from there started the love affair of the bow and arrow. Sunny days were spent in a forest, knocking apples and other items from their perches.

Something was growing within Raedon. A giddiness. An urge. He took his education with great love. However, he had a want to move. To see something new. To learn. To learn something that the education given to him at home could not bestow on him. He resolved that at such point when his formal education was finished, he would leave. He would venture out into the world, learning and observing.

In his education he took an interesting in medicine. He believed it right to, as it would surely help him on his journeys. He spent his days practicing with his bow, and spent his evenings and night studying various medical techniques and healing practices. Although he would never be able to be a master by the end of his studies, he would continue to study and learn from life experience in the new lands he would travel to. But to the end of his studies, he knew he knew enough of medicine to survive to the new lands.

The day arrived like another. Although his formal education was ending, his devotion to the pursuit of knowledge would never end. He had not told the household he would be leaving. He would spend one more night. He watched out his window, over the homes and under the stars. Wondering. Wanting. Waiting.

Past Places of Residences: Slyannen

Places Traveled: Arget Isles, Slyannen, Queensport, Pashmina Estate, Linlea,


Peaceful or violent: Normally peaceful, however violent when the right situation arises.

Weaponry: *A dagger (More to come)

Combat Training: His abilities have greatly decreased over time of no use, he must begin again.

Other Trivia:

Occupation: Nothing.
Favorite Types of Food: Various fruits.
Favorite Types of Drink: Wine.
Hobbies/Pastimes: Occasionally farms, and plants. Often goes wandering through the land to see what he can find.
Favorite Colors: White, Dark Blue.

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Lord of Altera
(Please bare with me while I get everyone in, if I've missed you, drop me a shout.)


Relevant Family Members
Cassian Ulamyar: How old days dissipate. The first of my friends, and the first of my brothers. Though we are not blood, we were forged by it. And that stands to me more than the blood in my veins. Since I returned from my wandering travels, I have found much changed. You seem to caught a wife, of all things, children..Since I have returned…I sometimes feel I may not fit in with this. Baron2537

Laisa Crow: Where are you, little one? We shall be reunited soon.. Samiwashere

Pascal: I do wonder where you’ve gone, old brother. It shall a momentous occasion when we three are reunited. I wonder what shall we get up to.

Damien Ulamyar: It was but a moon ago I'd teased you as a child, and now you're grown. Getting into scrapes and building a path. Much to think about. You've grown into a fine youngling. Baron2537
Donovan Ulyamar: I was much surprised. You are more like your father, I see. You have young, and honourable ambition. I cannot say the same for myself at your age. You've been raised with your brother, and raised well. I've been away, but I'm still your uncle, and will still look out for you. Ayda

Romantic Interests:


Trusted Friends:

Leo: Ah, Leo, how I've not seen you in so long saddens me. I should very like to meet with you again. Shankster

Friendly With:

: A strange one, this Ayda. Fiery and yet..not weak, no, not…fragile..but..almost…soft. I do enjoy annoying you, to no end, indeed. You amuse, and confuse me. However you make Cassian happy, and seem to keep him on his leash, for that I am thankful. I am puzzled about you’re true feelings towards me. Is it for Cassian that you do not impale me? Or do you harbour some…hidden, friendly affection for me? I knew I’d grow on you.. Ayda

Asero: The apple of my little one’s eye. You seem to be fine, well spoken, and she trusts you. I trust her judgement in this, somewhat. I will be watching. Must consult Cassian.

Loose Acquaintances:
Indeed, I’ve never paid her much mind, nor has she me. Cassian seems rather fond of her, which means we may encounter each other once more.
indeed. French Roast
Fronslin: You seem to have mistaken me for Cassian, at last we spoke, How amusing. At least you did, somewhat, remember me. Me being mistaken for Cassain has been happening quite a bit recently.. Fronslin

Disfavored Individuals:

: You are…something, indeed.


Andre Ursae
: The most odious little elf I’ve ever had the displeasure of encountering. I wish to impale myself on a rusty sword every time I suffer your presence.

Wary Of:
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