Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Rhaegar Rhal, Count of House Dusk [Character is finished.]


The Anime loving Brony
Name: Rhaegar Rhal
Nickname/Alias: Usually just called Rhaegar, Werewolf or "Hey you!"
Age: Around 21 at start of character.
Gender: Male
Race: Human, although he was attacked by a Werewolf, and has since contracted Lycanthropy.
Height: 6ft 2 inches
Weight: 76 kilos
Hair: Dark Grey, almost black
Eyes: Gold
Skin: Copper
Identifying Marks: A pale scar running diagonally across his face.
Appearance: Is usually wearing a white robe with a grey trim, occasionally has a hood up. He wears a red sash around his waist and worn leather boots.
Strengths: After he contracted Lycanthropy, he gained increased strength and agility, as well as enhanced vision at night. He also trained as a blacksmith, and so is good at creating
and fixing weapons and armour.
Weaknesses and fears: During the day, he is slightly weaker than he is at night, and his eyes seem to be sensitive to the light of the sun. He has an intense dislike for the bodies of the dead, the result of an accident as a child, this accident also gave him extreme arachnophobia. He is mostly resilient against silver, but can still be grievously wounded by it.
Religion and cults: After he became a werewolf, he occasionally prays to Lycrania to try and remove his curse, but other than that he is mostly Atheist, although he is not adverse to saying a prayer to a specific god when he needs their help.
Profession: He trained as a Blacksmith for several years, resulting in his ability to forge and repair weapons and armour. At present though, he is without a job.
Personality: Rhaegar is a very tenacious person, but he finds it difficult to fully express his emotions to people. He has a fair amount of patience, but when angered he will take quite a long time to calm down. He has an inquiring mind, and will easily spend hours reading up on Historical Records and further increase his knowledge of subjects such as Magic and Swordsmanship.
Other information: He was raised in the town of Mistral, and is the current Count of House Dusk. He has spent the past dozen months or so wandering around Altera since he contracted Lycanthropy, and is usually found at the Campsite beside the Great Portal.
Death: After re-uniting with his lost love after 50 years, he found out that he had a daughter, Katherina. He continued his wandering for another two years, before dying of a heart attack at the age of 116.