Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Roleplay/ General Chat: When I'm available for RP


Lord of Altera
So this thread is basically going to display the times I's going to be online each day, the goal of this is to help other players in Organising role-plays with me...? or to simply say when I'll be online so that they know in future and can plan accordingly... this will especially help with events.

So I live in the UK but i'm not sure what time-zone that is.

Monday and Wednesday: 4:00Pm - 9:00pm/ 9:30pm

On Tuesday and Thursday I will not be online.

Friday: 4:00pm - 10:00pm/ 10:30pm

Saturday: 12:0pm - 10:00pm/ 10:30pm

Sunday: 12:00pm - 9:00pm/ 9:30pm

During holidays, 12pm - 11pm

These may be subject to change in future