Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Roma Surrectum


Lord of Altera
Any Rome Total War fans out there? If so, you've come to the right place.

Well this is not an official game to buy in stores but it is definitely something to check out if you are an avid Rome Total War fan. Basically it is a Mod that uses the Rome Total War engine in order to create a superior gaming experience. I'd even call this a Rome II Total War.

Roma Surrectum II is basically Rome TW on steroids and brings it up to par with newly released games. Trust me when I say this, this is such a drastic improvement over the vanilla TW, you would not even be able to believe or comprehend the sheer amount of content available at your fingertips.

I'll add some basic information RSII but I strongly urge you to check out their page for yourself.
  • Brand new and in some cases custom made faction music
  • 28 unique legions
  • Brand new models and skins for all factions as well as new factions
  • Unique campaigns tailored to each specific faction
  • An immersive yet understandable building tree
  • Several new battle-map buildings
  • New Traits and ancillaries, including Roman leadership tree envisioned by Calvin (R.I.P)
  • Two Roman Rebellions
  • A redesigned and greatly enlarged campaign map
  • New banners and UI
  • Regional resistance script that generates enemy armies after conquering a key enemy city
  • Free People Faction to simulate independent kingdoms
  • Diversified "barbarian" factions to highlight their uniqueness
  • Diverse Areas of Recruitment
  • Large mercenary pool
  • Presence of Historical characters
  • AUC (Ab Urbe Condita) system of year-keeping to prevent the 66BC CTD
  • Non-adoptable characters capable of forming new family trees
  • Greater Population control through buildings
  • Standalone Launcher
  • Faction Intro movies - Available in Separate Download
  • Custom victory conditions for each faction for improved AI and a more difficult game
  • Modesty patch for those who do not wish to see a completely naked unit
  • Yes, you can recruit more than one unit/turn per City

Roma Invicta!
Link to Download:


Lord of Altera
Hehe, Rome Total War... I'm as strategic as a potato. If you'll ever find me playing Rome Total War, you'll see that I only send a big horde of war dogs to my enemies.


Legend of Altera
Man I love Total War. It's part 4X game, and part RTS. If you are outnumbered on the big map, you can change what will happen in the small map by just using your mind. When the battle is finished, you have to head for your next goal and try to foresee the enemies moves ahead. AND on top of that, you have to try to not run out of money, scout, and assassinate. It's just great strategy with a nice amount of options.