Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Ronyo Tel'ithel - Profile


Name: Ronyo Tel'ithel (Old elvish, translates to Fox of the silvery moon)
Nickname/Alias: Foxie, Fox, Luna, Lunafox
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Race: Human, with VERY distant elvish blood
Height: 5'11
Weight: 164lb
Hair: Black
Eyes: Blue
Skin: Fair
Identifying Marks:A very hefty scar down his right forarm, hidden mostly behind a pair of bracers worn
Strengths: Adaptiblity and quick to learn new skills
Weaknesses and fears: Terrorfied of Rats, deasese carrying and food stealing Rats
Religion and cults:
Profession: Currently, None
Backstory: Born yeats ago, in a far away land, My family where of nobility, but of the breed that squanderd the welth gaind by my great grandfather. Ontop of that, born third son behind two others who would rather see a wooden hobby horse burnt than alow any other to enjoy playing with it. Through the neglect of family as all affections where showerd on my elder peers, I spent more time with the stablehands and gards at the local keep. Although off-handedly acknolaged as a nobles son, I was quicky adopted and soon treated as just 'one of the lads', and in this, In my youth i found happyness.

Through-out my young life and into adolecance, I followed along the sodiers on thier patrols when I could, acting as an extra page. While when I could not for whatever reason, I would visit the local smiths, learning both the mantanance and care of the tools and of how to work metals. Lending my hands where I could, learning quickly what I was taught all while grasping for the aprovel of the men about me in a attempt to fill the gap that had been left by both disinterest of the family of my birth.

The turning point of my life, was the very night that I came of age. The captain of the guard, a venerable man whom I knew only as Boss Arion, had draged me into the barraks, with a few of the other guards who where not on duty and a very large keg. There I was gifted with a shield, emblazond with my familys coat of arms. I was told that night that the shield had been gifted to Arion by my great grandfather under the instuctions that it was to remain in his care untill one of his bloodline could understand the value of blood and sweat again...

And then the news of my fathers death arived. By this time I had as little love for the man as he had interest in me and I knew what was to come next. Within weeks the lands belonging to my father where ravaged and split apart by my two elder brothers, fighting for whatever scrap the could hold in their clutches. I however had escaped the ensureing chaos, and the dagger both of the brothers where planing to place in my back, as Arion had quickly secured a horse and told me of an old portal, hidden in the hills, on the outskirts of town.

One day I'll head back there, one day I'll fix my broken home.

But for now, I need to grow stronger and build something that those who had once held the shield now weighing heavly on my back would be proud of...