Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Deceased Rose Ruby Cleary


Lord of Altera


Theme Song:

(Belongs to House Blackrose)

Rose's Sword:

Name: Rose Ruby Cleary [Active-Main]

Emotional Status: Meh.

Full Titles: Tea Lady, "Lesser" Priestess of Jisrim, Chaos Bringer, Countess of Dusk Port

Nickname/Alias: Rose, "Monster Lover".

Age: 40

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Social Status: Noble, Countess.

Right now: Growing old.

Sexuality: Likes males AND females

Height: 5 feet 11 inches.

Weight: 108 pounds.

Date of Birth: Unknown

Date of Death:

1st Death:
IRL: 2/3/15

RP: Townsday, 3rd of Floodlock, 2260 - Season of Frost

Homeland: Unknown

Current Home: Silverwatch/Dusk Port.

Build: Slim, yet she has worked on the farm her whole life, so she's got some mussle. Due to her growing up, she has grown some....quite large hips now. She's almost shaped like an hourglass. Her chest has also grown quite well, not to the point of being considered "busty", but nice.

Hair: Long, grey.

Eyes: Brown.

Skin: Fair, but due to farm life, she has some sun to her skin.

Identifying Marks:
-Has a mark on her right hand, which she keeps covered at all times.:

(Right one)

-A Sliver Serpant tattoo on her right shoulder:

Wounds (Will Heal): Several bruises on her arms, face, and one massive one on her tummy.

Wounds (Will Not Heal): Scar on her left shoulder, scars from the burns on her arms and legs, scar on her tummy.



Light Jishrim robes.

Weaponry: Has two daggers that looks like this: (Not mine btw.), Senturii, Sluggish Hoe, poisoned blade.

Prized Possessions: Lokhan's Amulet, Rose's Necklace, Senturii, Amulet of Knowledge, Diamond of Scar, Jishrim's Necklace, Artsan's Wedding Ring, Murdoc's Wedding Ring, Love Necklace.

Descriptions for Prized Possessions:

Lokhan's Amulet: A grey amulet, rose in the middle, with black smoke curling around the rose.
Tucked away in a chest.

Rose's Necklace: Gold rose in the middle, gold chain, diamond encrusting the gold rose.

Senturii: Shortsword, looking like Gladius, the pommel of the blade being shaped realistic and beautifully like a rose. The sword itself is made of Damaskus Steel, and diamonds on the edges of the sword, making it extra sharp. It's perfect for Rose's size, well balanced and not that heavy. Tucked away in a chest.

Amulet of Knowledge: A plain necklace with a closed tome with a single penfeather, the backround color is brilliant blue, and the outside is rimmed with a blackened grey color. Tucked it away in a chest.

Bralset of Chains: A small necklace with a pair of chains symoblizing slavery on the front. In memoir of Artsan. Tucked away in a chest.

Diamond of Scar: A walnut sized diamond that Scar gave her, telling her not to sell it. Tucked it away in a chest.

Jisrim Necklace:

Emerald and Gold Ring: The ring Murdoc gave to her when he proposed to her.

Artsan's Wedding Ring: The ring Artsan gave her when they got engaged. Tucked away in a chest.

Love Necklace: A small necklace, the centerpeice being a very fine muti-rainbow opal that shines. The necklace itself is made of gold. The opal can be unhinged, showing a drawing of Murdoc and Rose.

Hygiene: Good, takes baths often.

Voice: Powerful and sometimes bossy, no longer shy and timid.



-Insane: Rose is grown quite insane from everything that's happened to her, as a result, she has a tough mind and will not break down eaisly.

-Strong: Rose has been learning how to weild a sword in combat, she has devoloped quite a bit of strength.

-Needles. She HATES needles!



-Insane: Rose is insane, she will act out of line sometimes.

-See's spiders: Rose has started to see black spiders. This is purely out of her own, crazed mind, not an effect of a Curse. Depending on the day and what emotion Rose is feeling, the spiders will be large or small.

-Black Smoke: Rose see's black smoke around people she hates or doesn't like. Again, this is purely out of her crazed mind.

-Comforting people: Rose has figured out the hard way she's not good at comforting people.

-Growing old: Rose knows she is growing old.

Intelligence: She thinks differently most of the time.

Languages: Common

Profession: Cooking, Potion Making, Baking.


Religion or Cults:
-Silver Serpent (Yes this time I actully joined @GLaDOS101 )

-The Mad God (Openingly)

-Dislikes Ignis,
"His Holy Flames Shall Not Burn away the Chaos from the World."

-Respects Visage "It is He who not cause Chaos, but deal in the shadows of the mind."

-Respect The Grey Lady "It is She who deals with the afterlife, caring for the mortal souls for eons."

-Dislikes Korog "It is He who strives for balance, there's no balance in a dying race."

-Respects Theodra "It is She would bring food on the table and bread in the basket. Without Her I would surely have died long ago."

-Heavily Dislikes Vermella "Thou shall not spill blood, what a useless statement. How is one supposed to defend themselves if attacked? This Goddess is short-sighted and stupid."

-Respects Crusade "Blood and Glory, all for the fun of it. I like this God, he shows true potenional."

-Dislikes Jax "Only fools would think that pure luck will get them anywhere."

-Heavily Dislikes Skraag "Stealing souls from Jishrim and The Grey Lady, why wouldn't these fools learn that the dead belong to the Grey Lady or for them to be Jishrim's play thing?"

-Respects Silas "He was the first God I worshiped. But I broke many of His laws, I don't belive I should go back to Him, yet he has opened my eyes to show me knowledge is useful. That I will never forget."

-Heavily Dislikes Sallana "Too many times my heart has lied to me. Sallana is the Goddess of Heartbreak."

-Holds a undying loyalty and love for Jishrim "He is the One true God, let the world be plundged into his Darkness and Mirth."

-Respects Shalherana "It is She who makes the World spin 'round."

-Love-Hate Relationship with Rahas "Soilders on the battlefeild are important, yet he mocked Sheila in front of thousands, what kind of God does that to his own Exualted?"

Alignment: Lawfully Evil

Short Term Goals:

[ Check!]Get over her heartbreak.

Long Term Goals:

[ Failed]Hold monthly sermons to Jisrim

[ ]Become an official Priestess of Jisrim.



Place: The Mad Gods Shrine, Silverwatch, Vera Vigi, Hideout.

Pastime: Praying to the Mad God.

Food: Cookies, chicken, pumpkin pies, cake, pork chops, baked potato's, apples, bread, carrots, cooked fish, mushroom stew, steak, cooked salmon, cooked mutton, cooked rabbit, melons.

Drink: Milk, Spicy Rum, Mushroom Brew, Barley Tea.

Colour: Black.

Animal: Spiders.

Least Favourite...

Place: Vera Vigi That places holds many bad memories, but I'm drawn to it each day.

Pastime: With Eudo.

Food: N/A

Drink: N/A

Colour: Anything bright.

Animal: N/A

Color coding people! Because I can!

Red = Loves: Your the center of Rose's life. She loves you, and miiiight follow you around.
Purple = Likes: Rose likes you! She will make a point to talk about you, or mention you.
Blue = Indifferent: Your alright. She doesn't trust you yet, though.
Grey = Dislike: Rose doesn't like you. She won't make a point to advoid you, but she will be frosty around you.
Black = Hated: Rose doesn't like you at all. She will advoid you, not talk about you, etc. When you enter the room, she will leave, or make a point to leave. You must done something REALLY bad to her. At this point, forgivness isn't a thing.

People that she knows that are dead: Vicky Senatoor, Garet, Goren, Thombur, Arstan, Darko, Lokhan, Robert Senatoor, Elrowen, Tahpina, Urg, Jal'Talo.


Single/Married?: Single

Dating/Not Dating?: Not dating.

Loved (Past tense, these people either hate her, or she doesn't date them anymore):


Secretly Loves:

Secretly Has a Crush on:

Secretly Hates:


Befriended: Cloud, The Mad God, Ithy

Liked: Grey, Ailil, Salar, Lord Storm, Halendar, Damon, Elmond, Marcus.

Neutral: Samantha.

Unsure of: Mila , Samson, Ergon, Leila, Thulgrim.

Wary of: Raindes. , Roy, Drake, Nyhllis (Aka: Cookie Insident Person)

Afraid of: Peter.

Disliked: Godric.

Hated: Sir Solitarios, Scar, Eudo.


Came to this place from somewhere unknown. Doesn't seem to have any parents, and is flat out broke.


My in-game name is: firegirl7892467

~Detailed Relationships~
Lokhan: Hates. When Rose first came to Altera, Lokhan was her first crush and boyfriend. Then the War of Queen Grief came about, and he went to fight in battle. He came back, but forgot all about her. She later learned that he had done this to break up with Rose, and now Rose hates him. I'm pretty much certain he died or left the Northern Kingdom's.

Eudo: Rose met Eudo after she and Lokhan broke up. Eudo offered her food, a house, clothing, and a job, which she didn't have at the time. Rose met Zephyra, who was Eudo's soon to be wedded girlfriend. One day however, Eudo approched Rose and pressured her into being in a relationship with him. Eudo persistantly badgered Rose about being with him until Rose caved in and made love with Eudo. Afterwords, feelings guilty, she told both Nwalme and Zephyra about Eudo and Rose's relationship. Zephyra threatened to kill Rose, and soon afterwords Rose never heard from Zephyra again. She told Nwalme, and offered him to kill her, but he declined both killing her and her apology, instead blaming the whole thing on Rose, when Rose felt it was Eudo's fault. At the Noble's Ball, Eudo made it clear he wanted nothing to do with her. Going so far as to try and stab her. I saw him again. He's ignoring me. I guess it's better than trying stab me.
Rose later had Eudo's child, and named him Zane.

Robert Senatoor: Once the whole thing with Eudo was done, she came to Robert Senatoor. She flirted and found her way into his heart, were their friendship turned into love. Rose tried to give everything to Robert what Eudo had not, but failed in the end when Robert said he wasn't in love with Rose anymore. Rose later had Robert's child, and named her Lucy Senatoor.
Rose means to ask Robert if he wants to just be friends with benifits. Resently, she's heard of Robert's vanishment. I'm also pretty sure he either died or left the Northern Kingdom's.

Rose met Garet after Robert, and fell in love with him. They had many wonderful moments together, and those two were close. However, it got cut short by Garet's death, and Rose still mourns his death. Rose is /highly suspisuos/ that Robert Senatoor might have killed Garet, or have been apart of it, but Rose has found no evidance, and Garet's body was lost.

Garris: Hooked up with him right after Garet died, loved him for a little while before breaking up with him. Seen him once or twice, is marrying somebody that Rose doesn't even know. Remains neaturl toward Garris.

Arstan: Met him at the Crossroad's and Arstan offered her a house, and got Rose to worship Asgar secretly. Rose soon fell in love with Arstan, but then she discovered Arstan's past as a slaver. When she confroted him, he said "That's all in the past." They soon got engaged and were about to be married when he died at a party.

Met when at Crossraod's. Rose has mixed feelings for Mila, on one hand, she cares for Mila because of the struggles she's going through, on the other hand Rose think's Mila is no better than a 2 year old. Rose often gets fustrated around Mila, and often gets annoyed by her.
She's a lot better contorling her anger, but she continues to ignore me. . .what did I do to her?


Murdoc: Mixed feelings, helped Rose hide from Zephyra, Rose even once had a crush on Murdoc before Murdoc was married and had kids. However, many people have warned Rose to stay away from Murdoc, and told Rose Murdoc's done many bad things over the years. However, Murdoc remains that distant uncle figure, always there and always not there. Rose still is on the fence about him, but still looks up to him. He broke her heart after leaving her for another girl. Rose and Murdoc tried again, and after a couple months, she proposed to him. He left in peace, he left me in peices.


Elmond: Loved him like a father. Took care of him before he died. He's back! But....changed. Rose is slowly adjusting. @ironassassin

Archaeus Fronte: Thinks he's a crabby old grandpa with a stubborn side. Still, Rose wishes to at least be friends with this old coot.

Met him breifly before he became King of Azerport. Rose was glad he became King, and even worked as his maid for a short time before she got a better job somewhere else and quit being Tyabalt's maid. She still regaurds Tybalt as a friend. She took part in trying to save Azerport and Laveoyard from the rebels, Scardrac and Landir. She warned him of yet another plot on is life. He seems to be ok, which is good. Rose also said she had a crush on Tybalt, and he looked. . ..surprsied. He disapeared, and with him all of Marr.

Dunamis: Long forgotten. Can't even remember what he looks like.

Gaby: Forgotten.

Robert (Alaon's son): The Prince of Al'Bathor. Rose took care of him after Robert's mom died. She hasn't seen him in a couple of years. I'd assume he's either dead or left.

Nwalwe: Once a highly respected man, Rose no longer trusts nor listens to Nwalme. After refusing her apology, and learning of the meaning behind his nickname, "Snake", Rose no longer cares for him, nor wants to be by him. However, she did say she was sorry to him when he was drunk, now she's just waiting for him to come and ask her why. Heard horrible things about him.

Trusted, respected, and looked up to. Rose respects Cloud and has a bit of a crush on him. Rose wants to make Cloud happy, and sometimes acts like his fangirl, following him around, adoring him. Rose confessed that she wanted Cloud to be her father, and he accepted. What kind of father are you, leaving me?
@The Living Ghost

Rose knows the cat is magical, having Nwalme talk about her. Rose just thinks she's a grumpy cat with magic.

Dian: Forgotten.

Zephyra: Forgotten. Zephyra is now a distant memory.

Rollercoster of emotion. She was told how cruel this man was, burning villages and generally being an evil person. He manipulated Rose's feelings to try to get her to like him, he gave her gifts and trinkets. Then she found out he killed her for warning Tybalt of the Azerport vs. Rebels battle, and her mind snapped. Saw him at the Cathdral, fliped out. Advoid him.

Corpse-Eater: Met him at the Crossroad's were people told Rose that he ate people. Rose hasn't met him, nor gotten to know him, but would like to, regaurdless of the danger. I'm pretty sure he's either dead or left.

Janos: Rose persumes Eudo's brother, Rose hates Janos because of blood ties and the way Janos acts. Rose hasn't seen him in a long time.

Thrombur: Loved this halfling like a brother. She squee'd around him, and acted pretty much like his fangirl. She misses him after she found out he had died.

Zerin: Forgotton.

Landir the Witty:
Was with him when Lavoyard and Azerport tried to break him and his wife up. Rose swore she would protect Landir's wife, even if it met Rose's death. She's happy they are together, and regaurds Landir as her friend. Landir has turned cruel.

Euryleas: Forgotten.

Sir Solitarios:
He tried to kill Arstan, and Rose hates him.

Darko, the Pirate King: Darko has gone missing and Rose hasn't seen him in quite some months.

Urg: He is dead.

Noxus Xurdelis II:
Looked scary on the outside, but really a kind person. Loved to talk with him for the brief time we did. Hasn't seen him in a long time.

He's Aracena's Guard. He told me that Jisrim wouldn't help me at all, none of the Gods would. He so eaisly suggested giving up my worships, the Divine Law, everything. He thinks that keeping to ourselves and not worshipping the Gods or following the Divine Law will help people futher. Hasn't seen him in a long time.

Grey: A very quiet and mellow fella', I really like him! If he was any younger (Well, a lot younger) I'd probley date him. He's an intresting fellow with a quiet demenor, and I'm dying to crack him open and see what lies beyond that turtle shell of his. He finally told me his secret, and that makes me more intrested in him.

Raindes: She's an intresting fellow that's on the run for crimes she didn't commit. Sorta feel sorry for her.


He hates Jishrim worshipers, I wouldn't feel remorse if I had to kill him. But he hasn't attacked me, but if he does. . .


He stuck up for me in front of Godric, why did he do that? What is his plan? Did he do that because of me or something else?



Odd fellow who's looking for his father.

Tal'Jaoloa (Close enough)

He's really shy and awkward and I remember that when I was young I used to be that way. Rose asked Tol'Jaoloa about it, and he denied. I'm pretty sure he's dead.



Met him at some Inn, he seemed to love me. . .he soon became Viage's Child, a son to a God. I tried confessing that I loved him. . .but he turned me down. I thought he was dead for eight years. . .he just came back. I apologized. . .he forgave me. . thank you, Jishrim. He is dead. Gone.



Very friendly but stern. Reminds me of a wife. Also as left with Marr's downfall.


Not to be trusted. She's sneaky and crafty. Master-mind or lackey? Turns out she has severe mental problems, who knew? Multipe personaitly disorder, intresting. Cookie Insident Person.


Salar Jashi:

He struck up a conversation with me. . .he said he's Soolerian? There from the desert and they wear really strange robes. . .he seemed like a nice fella. . .but still, strange man. But I like him.


Black Banners:

Mercany group hired to kill my friend. . .destrubes me that somebody payed that high ammount to have him killed. Anywho, I don't trust this group and I don't like them.

Drake Rock:

He's such a massive flirt! He reminds me of Eudo. . .I don't really like him. He's ignoring me?


She was a capprii that had three girlfriends. I was offered and I said yes. I haven't seen her in awhile and wonder what she's up to.


We started out as friends but then I asked to be more. . .you were totally comfortable with it. I just hope your comfortable with me. That all went to waste when I married to Murdoc, however I hope where still friends.



I confessed to you long ago that I liked you. . didn't see you for 6 years and you showed up. We made out and Murdoc caught us. . .none of them like you but they fail to see what I do.



He was a really odd fellow at first, friendly bantering with Drake, seems to be friends with Tyablt. He invited over to Riseport, and we had a nice dinner discussion. He told me about his problems, and I tried to help him. . .by doing something I don't regret. He wants to take that a step further, and I agreed. Where are you old friend?


Lord Peter:

Lord over Golden Bay and Seaport, bland fellow who's married. He tried to shoot Nythllis with his crossbow. . .why? Ignoring me.

Lord Storm:

Lord over. . .something? Marr, I guess. Again, normal guy.


Apprently killed an entire race of people. And apprently people hate him? I asked him a bunch of questions without him batting an eye. Everybody thinks he's a monster, I wish I could tell him he's more important than everybody thinks he is. What. . .you asked me this question? For your desires? I do not understand. . .but I shall accept. If we shall part ways, so it be. We have parted ways, apprently he takes regection hard-how the Nether was I supposed to know? He approched me...who does he think I am? I never showed up.



I consider him one of my friends. He's kind, smart, and loyal. However, he let's his emotions cloud his judgement.


An older gentleman. Apprently he comes from a city of rats.



*Mad giggling*



Nice man. Gaurd for Azerport.

Lady Jaqualine:

Scccccccaaaarryyyyy....stay far far far far far away.


Count Josef Mandovi:

Acceptable, he seems knowledgable in his craft. He seems wise.



Small simmer of dislike and annoyance, she rudely brushed me aside when I was speaking with somebody new came to town.



A quiet fellow of humble orgins, somewhat admired.



Nothing so far, but quiet fellow of few words.



Moor Elf who got arrested for herecy.



-Met Eudo and Nwamle
-Met Robert Senatoor, Mila

-Broke up Zephyra's and Eudo relationship. Ruined Eudo's and Nwamle's reputation.

-Serached for Zephyra for one year, finally learning she had left the Northern Kingdoms and would never return.

-Accepted that Eudo would hate her and moved on, flirting with Robert but hooked up with Garet.

-Garet was killed. Mourned his death and comforted by Robert.

-Had Eudo's child.

-Dated Garris before breaking up with him to go with Artsan.

-Had Robert Senatoor's child.

-Artsan was killed, House Silverwatch fell. House Blackrose replaced them.

-Mourned over Arstan for a long time.

-House Senatoor fell and Robert Senatoor was killed.

-Dated Murdoc, but it fell apart after he cheated on her.

-Scar flirted with her and then killed her.

-Tried again with Murdoc, getting engaged and married to him.

-Caught in a love tringale but ended it.

-Learned that the Corruption wants a leader.

-Tybalt, Fronte, Fronte's Son, Tahp, and some Marr soilders went to kill it.

-Murdoc said he would go but backed out last second, why?

-Learned Murdoc was named Duke of Novus.

-Tybalt as gone missing and people from House Marr are slowly leaving.

-Approched by Fulgrim to marry him since House Marr is leaving. Given one day to decide.

-Never showed up, was too scared to give him an awser.

-Signed up for...learning stuff in Sundown Isle.

-Finished building Dusk Port

-Murdoc as left the Northen Kingdoms....and left me alone.

Last edited:


Natus de Aurum; Natus ex bellum
Just going to point out, it would be highly unlikely for a 14 year old girl in the Medieval era to have access to two swords and a full array of daggers... Even more unlikely considering her profession has little to do with combat...
Just thought I'd point that out.


Natus de Aurum; Natus ex bellum
Dont go into a full blown argument here you two ^^
And firegirl/Rose, nice profile! Also, welcome to the server! :)
Stalking this thread to make sure it doesn't break out.
Ruby, you might want to take into account what I said about the weapons, but otherwise welcome!


Lord of Altera
I didn't say she had like, 20 daggers. She has two. xD

And yes, she has a sword with her and two daggers. That is easily carryable.

(Sorry, I put 2 swords, I ment 2 daggers and one sword >.<)

And it's alright, but I must warn you Glados, I have an IRL bf. SO, yeah. Nothing gunna happen :p


I didn't say she had like, 20 daggers. She has two. xD

And yes, she has a sword with her and two daggers. That is easily carryable.

(Sorry, I put 2 swords, I ment 2 daggers and one sword >.<)

And it's alright, but I must warn you Glados, I have an IRL bf. SO, yeah. Nothing gunna happen :p


Dark Council Elite
>literally sat with an open mouth for thirty seconds.

.. i'm not even remotely interested in you that way. I'm pretty happy with my choice of girl, thanks.


The rosiest of forests.
I didn't say she had like, 20 daggers. She has two. xD

And yes, she has a sword with her and two daggers. That is easily carryable.
Although this is easy to carry, it is extremely unlikely for anyone at a young age to be carrying weaponry such as stated. Unless you had legitimate reasoning for your character to carry a weapon at this age or younger, ( profession or training), it's not the norm to carry them around. This is namely because acquiring the weaponry in the first place would be near impossible, unless stolen, as I highly doubt any blacksmiths would make so much for a young'n. Not only this, but training with all those would take a heck of a time. All as angry said!

Not meant anything against the profile, it's good! :heart: Just something to give you insight :p


Lord of Altera
Although this is easy to carry, it is extremely unlikely for anyone at a young age to be carrying weaponry such as stated. Unless you had legitimate reasoning for your character to carry a weapon at this age or younger, ( profession or training), it's not the norm to carry them around. This is namely because acquiring the weaponry in the first place would be near impossible, unless stolen, as I highly doubt any blacksmiths would make so much for a young'n. Not only this, but training with all those would take a heck of a time. All as angry said!

Not meant anything against the profile, it's good! :heart: Just something to give you insight :p
A sword is an expensive weapon, requiring a lot of metal and craftmanship. But if you are going to wield one, stick to one sword if need be.
Swords were not that common.

*leaves while having polearm in hand, longsword on one hip, arming sword on the other. Dagger and crossbow on back*


Legend of Altera
A sword is an expensive weapon, requiring a lot of metal and craftmanship. But if you are going to wield one, stick to one sword if need be.
Swords were not that common.

*leaves while having polearm in hand, longsword on one hip, arming sword on the other. Dagger and crossbow on back*

People who where allowed to CARRY them where uncommon.