Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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RP Combat - rules and tips


Lord of Altera
I have been around the server for about a year and still one of my favorite things to do is have a good RP battle. An RP battle is when players type actions that their characters preform to create a vivid battle.

To type these actions you start with an astirix, say your action, then give another astrix. Example:
*swings his sword*
Pretty basic I know but its how all actions are preformed. Speaking normally is also encouraged during the battle
aha, I have you now!

So now that you can type actions you just do *shoots fireball 100 times* and win right?
There is a protocol to RP battles. Think of it like a turn based game such as DnD. You type your first move (probably attack) they get to type a response and maybe a second move they do. Then you respond, and so on and so forth. You should never type more then two action lines in a row (aside from correcting your misspellings). Because then its just you telling a story (and being OP). If done properly there should be a rhythm to the back and forth of clashing swords. The actions your preform are yours to chose, and as long as your not wholly unrealistic about them and follow the basic rule of letting your opponent respond to each of your moves the battle should go rather well. You are not allowed to say the outcome of your own attack, that is up to the person you are attacking.

Now when someone types an attack on you, you get the chance to respond. You get to chose the outcome of any attack directed at you, how fun! However, you as the defender should also be reasonable. In general you should let every one in three attacks hit you (usually more like one in two) so that each player feels like they are getting something done.

This is all kind of well known edict though, the real reason I created this thread was to touch on lesser known points of proper RP combat. Namely, movement. Moving in combat is probably the most disregarded (and most important part) of the whole thing. Moving is an action! You should type every step you take. Yes it sounds ridiculous, why would I ever do that when I could just press the W key you say. Because that leads to SOO many problems. I've had countless times when someone thought it fine to just move behind me and say *stabs in the back* Wait what now? You were right in front of me! I wouldn't just sit there when you run around me. Typing an action is slower than moving though which is why in RP combat you have to type for movement to give a chance for them to react. This is doubly important in a chase or something. RP battles have a rhythm, and by typing your movements you are following the rhythm. Please please please people, type your movements to prevent stupid things like, running down a corridor before the archers have a chance to respond or running all the way around a building before they open a door. This is the most OP thing in my opinion (same reason flash is the best super hero) and I want everyone to become aware of the problem. Thank you.

End rant. Any other notes on roleplay combat, post em!