Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Saphira silverian


Legend of Altera
Name: saphira Silverian
Nickname/ saph
Race: Human
Height:5ft 11 inch
Hair: Light Blonde, long over shoulders
Eyes: purple
Skin: pale
Identifying Marks: Silverian blue and yellow checked square on her clothing
Appearance: Slim build, often clothed very smartly
Strengths: good crafts woman
Weaknesses and fears: trusting people
Religion and cults:Honors the god korigon and Thyrien
Profession:Crafts Woman
House: Silverian

Back story: So my story begins...

As a princess of the house Silverian, I had loads of things to do every day everyone stopped and said Hello to me in the Town and some would even give me gifts, On the night of my 18th Birthday there was a riot in the town, My mother thought it would be best to hide me and my brother Arthur in a safe place when she came back for me and my brother, I was missing because I had gone and ventured out in to the wild And I got lost..

My Mother sent out a search party to try and find Me, But I was so far away from the kingdom not even the best trackers would be able to find me, After a year of surviving in the wild, word had spread about the Noble Silverian Duchess looking for her princess daughter.

I had been missing for 2 years and I ventured into a small town Looking for some cloth to make myself new clothing when I heard a town guard saying that the search for the princess was over, I guess it was because I could not be found I would of ran up to the guard and told them I was the princess but I am scared or people from other towns so I tend to keep to myself. So 4 years had passed and surviving in the wild was not easy, I had to forage for berries grow my own vegetables and hunt my own meat, But I had the skills because my mother taught me the key skills to survive in the wild..

One day I was stalking an elk for fresh meat and I over herd a Traveler say they were going to the city of Silverwatch, I ran up to him and asked if he could give me a lift to Silverwatch he agreed to give me a lift, Once we arrived there I ran straight to the town hall to find my mother, When I found her the first thing she did was hug me and said She was scared that i had died, Now that I am back in Silverwatch I plan on staying and Helping my mother as much as i can....