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Selling torches


Lord of Altera
I know this sounds picky but remember we use radiants not dollars :3
Isn't $ still an appropriate sign though? They use it on the auction house and in game... hrmmm, we should come up with a special sign for rads, like one of these: Ɽ ᴚ ʁ ɍ Ȑ
That's way too high for a torch in my opinion.
Yeah, I think wood is valued at less than 2 rads per log, and you could make 4 torches with 1.5 logs, so that's... .75 rads per torch, if you're lucky. Wood is really easy to get, though, so if you really want to make money, torches aren't the way to go. I would suggests obsidian, 'cause it sells for a decent price at the airdocks.