Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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S'kie of Kavdam


Le Original Queen
Name: S'kie
Nickname/Alias: S'kie
Age: Appears in mid to late twenties
Gender: Female
Race: High Elf
Height: 5'10
Weight: 126lbs
Hair: Flaming Red
Eyes: Green
Skin: Pale
Identifying Marks: Pointed Ears, Two piercings in each
Appearance: S'kie, as she's called in Kavdam, seems to be relatively average as far as the High Elves go. She wears simple clothing, favoring hues of blue and leather. She carries herself with the grace of any woman of apparent noble blood, though she makes no open claims as such. She's always armed in one manner or another, typically with that of a Bow and a quiver filled with arrows. Barring her preferred weapon, she also carries with her a woodsman's axe. Swords are clearly not her weapon of choice. She's kind hearted to those she encounters, unless they threaten those she calls friends and allies. Very few people have landed on this list, currently only standing against the forces of Queen Grief.

She is often mistaken as a smuggler, for she preferes to dye her armor in hues of blue. Her reasoning is she enjoys the color, but it seems to go deeper than that.
  • Archery
  • Ranging
  • Foraging
  • Arborist
  • Fletcher
Weaknesses and fears:
  • Terrible Swimmer
  • Afraid of her Mortality
  • Afraid of Grief and her Forces
  • Prefers to act alone
Religion and cults:No official stance
Profession: Kavdam's Resident Arborist. She tends to the orchard in the heart of Kavdam, helps to supply the wood needed for the city, among other plant items the Nakam might have need for. She also crafts Bows and arrows for those who might need them.

Figured it was about time i put up a new profile for Squee.