Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Finished Slaughter in the Southeast [1/9/2023]


Retired Staff
[ Amicia's Party ]

Slaughter in the Southeast [1/2]
Dead sheep and other prey animals have been reportedly seen around the Southeastern reaches of the Ashtadt region. Amicia, being tasked with assessing and determining the source of this slaughtering, assembles a reconnaissance group. This group will be sent either mounted or on foot to one of several slaughter sites. There, they will need to use their own problem solving to follow fragments of evidence and ascertain who/what the culprit is.

Amicia's Party : (5/5)
Amicia - Kaoiyr
Elthea - Book
Azuran - Azur
Lirio - Cukie1
Matt - Sergeant Freedom



Retired Staff
Start time will be :
6:00PM PST
9:00PM EST

Amicia's Party : [3/5]
Amicia - Kaoiyr
Elthea - Book
Azuran - Azur
Lirio - Cukie1
Matt- Sergeant Freedom

Expect 3 hours runtime, though I always shoot for around 2 hours. I understand these times are posted late and it may cause people to not be able to make it. If you are among the five people in Amicia's party and cannot make it, send me a DM and we can work things out.
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