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Finished Somewhere They Can't Find Me [Sat. Oct. 7th]


Kid Charlemagne
Retired Owner

Somewhere They Can't Find Me

The underside of Storm's Landing is abuzz with rumor and gossip. It's nothing new, but if you hold your ear to the ground, you'll here word of a weary glory-seeker who's head up north to Astrum Island in preparation of seeking out an uncharted island. The man didn't seem to eager to face the dangers he felt certainly must plague the mysterious island. No one's quite sure what myth this man is chasing, but everyone who was there the night his lips let loose his plan will say he had a map he was following. Most folk think the man is just another fortune seeker, but others maintain that the opportunity is genuine. If you're daring or stupid enough to follow this vague promise of wealth and discovery, make your way up to Astrum Island. If you hurry, you can probably catch him before he leaves on his journey. Just ask around for a man going by the name "Korchek."

Who knows, this could be once in a lifetime....

This is going to be a treasure hunting dungeon crawler style event. It will be very dangerous. We will be starting at Astrum Island and then once everyone's arrived and we've done the proper introductory RP we'll get going. I don't want to give too much away about the setting or the nature of the danger, but I'm sure that some of you can guess where this will be set and what to expect. I've got a few rules of engagement here, that must be agreed to in order to participate:
  • Consent to potential injury (serious or otherwise) as well as death.
  • No fully loaded super prepared people showing up. The event will be a lot more fun if people don't show up with axes and climbing gear, enabling the whole party to bypass every obstacle without thinking too hard. The IC reason for the limitation is that the trip was originally planned for one so the space and weight available is limited. Expect to limit yourself to basic "walking around" gear. Ex. rope and lock pick are good, climbing boots and ram are not.
  • Bring a boat. This isn't actually a rule, I just didn't know where else to put this point and here seemed kinda lacking what with only having two bullet points and all. I digress. I'll have extras in case people forget, or one breaks, but we'll need them for OOC travel.
Obviously treasure and artifacts await, as well as an opportunity explore a truly fantastic build (which I feel OK saying so b/c it isn't really mine).


If you are on this list, you are invited. Previously, we had an 8 person party cap, but since there was so much interest, I expanded the loot pool to support the people below. We have 10 people signed up for the event.


  1. Evangelinn Tideborne (Sybbyl)
  2. Vukrell (Deathmoron)
  3. Kam (Kamaoe)
  4. Joe (Wandering Ranger)
  5. Violet (MelodyComplex)
  6. Cymic (Cymic_)
  7. Florian (Cap)
  8. Fenric (Colonelgames)
  9. Voreel Kar (Hadies)
  10. Asero (Electric)
  11. Star (ToastySpam)
  12. Tohm (Tohm)
  13. Sankera Sankera
  14. Tourmaline (Ruu)

This event is currently scheduled for Saturday, the 7th of October at 2:00 PM PST (5:00 PM EST and 9:00 PM GMT). I will change the date and/or time if people so desire. I think that's everything! If you have questions don't hesitate to ask.

P.S. Icanra if for some reason you don't want us starting at your island, let me know. I'd strike me as odd since we won't be there for too long, but just let me know and I'll find a different spot. Thanks!
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The Green One
Retired Staff
Kam's in, yes. :)
I'll make sure my schedule doesn't conflict.


Retired Staff
Yeah put myself down for this, I'll contact you if I can't. Sometimes I have a hectic schedule.


Lord of Altera
She/Her, They/Them
I will tentively put down Violet for this. Not sure how my day will span out...or if I'll be functioning enough to play smol medic bean.


Lord of Altera
*Evangelinn was fired up, full flare and ready to go, she stocked up on booze and talked of her wild allegations as to what she thought this adventure would bring about!*

Count me in!!!! So excited can't wait : )
Just keep in mind, Im a mom, i will have to occasionally step away from time to time even if its in the middle of the event.

Edit: Not to mention, weekends my parents are home, and my mom has absolutely no regard for my activities in video games and will often interrupt to have me do things, so there's the possibility I will be interrupted that way too.


Lord of Altera
Can you put me down for this event if I'm unsure which character to use at the moment?


Lord of Altera
*Vukrell the nakat scratched his head and narrowed his eyes, silently cursing at himself; he hated the ocean, but being scared sure is damn fun*


I'm going to be using my 'kat for this one.


Kid Charlemagne
Retired Owner
It seems that the interest for this event was higher than I anticipated as the queue filled very quickly. Even though the party is full, you can put your name down anyways. The event is almost 2 weeks away, so I'll see if I can bolster it up to fit more people in the mean time. I guess it all depends on how many more people want to go. Thanks everyone!


Lord of Altera
In-Game Tech Staff
He/Him, They/Them
Damn you and your posting of threads while Im asleep!


Lord of Altera
It seems that the interest for this event was higher than I anticipated as the queue filled very quickly. Even though the party is full, you can put your name down anyways. The event is almost 2 weeks away, so I'll see if I can bolster it up to fit more people in the mean time. I guess it all depends on how many more people want to go. Thanks everyone!
This sounds sweet! I would be more than happy to allow the island to be used. But might we discuss some details via PM as i have a few things you might be interested in?


Lord of Altera
Aaaalllso, would the islanders be aware of you guys coming? (Should i set up the tavern?)