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Songs from Altera - A Playlist!


An Alteran Bard
Retired Staff
Hello, fellow Alterans!

This bard has been busy these past years and realized quite some songs are inspired by HollowWorld.
Inspired by you, in fact: Your characters, your cities, your factions. All of it makes up the fabric of these songs.
I decided I ought to make a playlist to put all these songs together and add new ones in the future.
With the intent for folks to enjoy the history and lore of Altera through song!

I've created a particular order of the songs along with fitting themes, though I'm open to feedback to rearrange the lot!
Below are the themes, the titles, and a small description of what each song is about.
I hope you'll enjoy listening to these 14 songs! And know that there is 1 more about Cor Votum still in the works.

Songs about Gods
- Maceo
This song is about Maceo, a character who went to slay a God in pursuit of favor by his Patron God Ignis.

- Valiant -
The God of War and Justice; Valiant. An army of worshipers sings out their victory march in praise to Him.

- God of Luck -
Jax is the God of the gamblers, of those down on their luck, hoping for some good fortune.
This song is about them as much as it is about Him.

Songs about Characters
- Love Has Never Been Kind -

This song is about Nwalme, one of blargtheawesome 's old characters, and his endless love life.

- In The Dark -
This song is about Fizzy's character, a Visage worshiper who was willing to sacrifice life and limb for that God.

- The Mountain & I -
With the poems written by Jazzper 's character Thordil, it is a song to show Korog his devotion.

- Lura's Magic -
A song for Lura and how her magic reflects the color of her past.

- We Will Not Run -
A song for Kam and Azgir, at the time of writing the 2 last remaining Earthspawn on Altera.

Songs about Factions
- Alta Eta Ghul -

A song, written in Horghaan, about the eternal rising and falling of the Dwarves.
It translates to "Everything is Golden", with the next lyrics being: "When times are good"

- The Realmsguard -
A song written for the Realmsguard as they went to defend Altera.
As if sung by their own faction while they march off to face the next threat.

Songs about Cities
- Halbed -

The town of Jax' chosen.
I had a character who lived there for a while and was impressed by the town, so I wrote a song about it.

- Storm's Landing's Tavern -
About the spawn-RP and many fights in Storm's Landing's Tavern. Need I say more?

- The Tale of Scourge -
How the town of Scourge was besieged through a cunning plot, how the citizens survived the occupation, and how they got liberated.

- Linlea -
This song was written during a campaign in which Solus ' town Linlea became a refuge to all characters.
It is written from the perspective of one of these refugees who doesn't quite understand the intricacies of the town.

I hope you'll give the playlist a listen! It would mean a lot to me if you were to decide to follow me as well.
I'm trying to get 1000 followers on Spotify before 2024 and I need only 39 more folks to enjoy my music to reach that goal!
