Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Sponsor Mechanica Rationalis as Delegate!


Retired Staff
*you're watching the evening news when it is interrupted by a breaking announcement.*

"Pardon the interruption, dear viewers, but I've just been handed some stunning news. The reclusive machine intelligence ruling the Free Land of Mechanica Rationalis has just announced to the region that it will be breaking political neutrality and running for WA Delegate! We take you live to the Mechanica Rationalis public broadcast center now."

*the screen cuts to a shot of a crowded room with a monolith similar to Watson behind a podium. The scene is almost surreal. A small box on either side of the monolith slides open, revealing high-quality speakers. A deep, friendly voice speaks.*

"The CloudMind of Mechanica Rationalis, after months of computation, has decided to come forth and appeal to the people of the RHW to endorse it as the WA Delegate. It promises a just, unbiased representation at the World Assembly, with equal consideration given to every issue raised by every nation within this fine region. The CloudMind also declares that should it be elected Delegate, it will dedicate the full resources of the Sagittarius Supercomputing Center, with over 50 exaFLOPS at optimum running, to the resolution of the needs of the people.

The Free Land of Mechanica Rationalis, as a regional leader in energy production and information technologies, promises to aid any and all nations that endorse the CloudMind in the development of energy independence, and will enact sweeping legislation allowing greater trade freedoms.

Thank you for your time."

*the speakers are hidden once more, and the monolith falls silent. The room, silent with anticipation, explodes with noise as the gathered reporters discuss what has just occurred. The screen cuts back to the newsroom, where the anchor looks around, shuffles his papers, and clears his throat before resuming regular news.*

Endorse Mechanica Rationalis for WA Delegate! Industry And Intellect!