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Starcraft 2


Lord of House Hawklight
Does anyone on Hollow play Starcraft 2? If so let me know, I think I'll start playing again soonish :)


Loyal Servant of Altera
Half, sadly games by Blizzard Entertainment will not be on Steam. Blizzard does distribute their games digitally, but through battle net. If you have a battle net account already, keep an eye on the Starcraft community site or the Blizzard store. If they do a deal for any of their games this coming holiday, it will be there :).


Legend of Altera
Darn it...
I am still stuck playing Starcraft 1 because Starcraft 2 is still, where I live, around $40.00, And I refuse to buy a game that costs over $25.00.
:( :) :(
Well, other than Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance 2 for the PS2...
that is the most sought after game at used game stores, I used to own it but I think my cousin stole it or my sister sold it, but I have been on a waiting list for months now, because the moment somebody gets it, it is sold...


Loyal Servant of Altera
I got Starcraft 2 at Launch. Waiting on Diablo 3!
I played Baulders gate once ages ago....great game.


Lord of House Hawklight
Ok, well once I get my game downloaded and back I'll let you know my number code thingy to add me and what not.


Moderating the herps & derps
i used to play starcarft waiting for the new part after that to be continued ending -_- damnit i want to know how it goes on!!


Loyal Servant of Altera
Blizzard Locked Season 3 last night. That means we can no longer be promoted on the Ladder. Season 4 begins on the 24th!

Koer, my guess is we'll see the release date for Heart of the Swarm at Blizzcon 2011 on the 22nd :)


Lord of House Hawklight
I lost all my placements on purpose to derp in bronze, but a gold guy left before I could in my last so I made silver -____-


Moderating the herps & derps
cant wait for the story to continue and unfold :D i dont play for the multiplayer, only thing im asing myself is, is it gonna be a whole new game or a addon..


Loyal Servant of Altera
Heart of the Swarm is an Expansion. There will be new units for each race, in fact blizzard has released teasers in the form of silhouettes on their facebook page. In multiplayer, we will see new units or the removal of old ones (balancing reasons)

Finally, we will see the full length Zerg Campaign, where Kerrigan's destiny unfolds!


I enjoy the Custom games available in StarCraft 2. Photon Cycles being one of my favorites!


Lord of Altera
I played starcraft alot about 2 months ago, then Skyrim, league of legends and minecraft stole back most of my intrest :-P i still play sometimes though ^^