Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Surviving day Z


Lord of Altera
i have recently heard about this mod for the game ARMA II, it is a realistic zombie survival and from what i have seen the guy who made it, has done a preeety good job.

if anyone has played this game can you give me some feedback it looks really good!

the first video i saw it from:


Utorak. No one ever watches Diction's point of view, on anything. :( But to help with your problem, this is really fun, but only if you like more of a 'realism' (I use that term very lightly) kinda thing compared to Left4Dead or Dead Island. Also, if you don't care about sharing the bus. It MUST be the party bus, or else you have broken the inside joke rules.


Lord of Altera
i find it both ironic and amusing that you where the one to say that seeing as i have a picture of you in a crocidile suit in a pink bedroom


King ForumStalker
i find it both ironic and amusing that you where the one to say that seeing as i have a picture of you in a crocidile suit in a pink bedroom
And your point is?.... I also have that picture.

I tried to upload it, but it's too big! /sadface :(


so this is a game tha you need to play with freinds?
well there go my chances of playing it
No, it's just something you have to do. The entire ARMA community should know about the party bus meme, and they all just hop on as you drive by.
I love DayZ one of my Favourite Games. I'd definitely Reccomend it, Can't really give you tips on Surviving due to the fact that I die atleast 1 time every hour!