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Tale of the "Kidnapper Storm"


Lord of Altera
This tale, little cubs, is about rare and extremely dangerous storms that once occured 150 years ago in north-western regions, why is the storm that dangerous? You will have to see this to find out.

Francois had always missed his daughter;Helene, who had always travelled the northen kingdoms, all the way from their small humble village in Southern regions, she had flied all over the Northern kingdoms, perhaps she might've missed her father, which she really did, and 4 years later, from another end of the northern kingdoms, she had finally taken her high speed airship, and without any hesitating decided to come back, however strange things occured before she took the airship, and they always seemed to be in the town where she took the airship, and they were - Spontaneous quick storms that seemed to start from nowhere and end just as abruptly as it started, as well as lightning that had stricken the nearby forest daily without even being rainy, and small unknown reptiles running around the towns, sometimes even in the pipes of steamworks, locomotives, and other such things. The day she took the airship, the elder had warned her, and asked her if she would stay a little more in the town, before they knew it w0uld be safe to send out ships, she dismissed this as absurd, and went off to the ship. Helene, had always never believed in such things, she only believed herself, and she refused to even accept things, that were unknown to the humanity.

The ship was ready, before the airship could depart, she looked back at the town, she looked at all people who lived in there, all worried faces, some already knowing something bad will happen, but with a single simple smirk, she turned back to the ship, but before she could completely turn back, she had caught a glimpse of something....Odd. A hooded man with brown ragged clothes, with a small blade sheathed on his side, the man looked at her, she could not see his eyes, people would usually not notice him, and not feel his essence, but she clearly was destined to meet something like that, the only thing that were part of his face, was something unnaturally purple and the cold feeling of being watched, as she thought, was something completely unhuman.

She turned back to the ship, and went to her cabin trying to forget the horrible sight. But it clearly wasn't the end of that disgusting trouble that had flew through her mind again and again, she even thought she would want to stop the pilot, and demand for him to turn them back, but she thought it would be foolish of her, and she did not want to look stupid.

She had quickly tried to fall asleep, thinking when she wakes up she would see no more of the town, and the slenderly shaped man with purple eyes. With a single sigh, she had fell into a sleep. But the man still continued to bother her young mind, over and over again, she had known she cheated death alot, she had always survived because of her instincts, but she clearly knew her instincts wont help her anymore, even if she did not know why.

Whispering, it all kept running around in her cabin, pipes started leaking water, lightning could be heard in the distance, and unknown reptiles ran on the walls.
She did not dare to look out in the window, thus the storm was indeed horrifying;
Large lightning bolts were dancing around the ship, and heavy drops of the rain were falling onto the deck like rocks!

Then...They would see a cloud, not a white one, but instead unnaturally purple one in a shape of a mouth, and the most horrible thing was, it followed them, only started as a small white cloud, it became purple, and it absorbed all the clouds, making it the same nethered colour, becoming a massive destructive face of the death.

As the ship sanked into nothing but purpure madness, the pilot handled the ship bravely, and got them to a nearby town, where he did not hesitate to stop and praise the god he was safe. But the thought of a woman on the ship, quickly came to him, he ran as fast as he could, opened the cabin door but- Saw nothing. She was not there, and it seemed completely strange, no windows broken, everything completely the same, but she wasn't there.

For the last time she tried to cheat death, and had failed, the grey lady's bounty hunter had claimed her soul.