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Tauredal [Great Grove]


Resigned Admin
Settlement Name: Tauredal
Mayor: Tantara
Nation: Myrithas
Population: 15
Town Access: The large, green-ballooned airship that's located at the Port Silver Airdocks.

Description / Introduction:
Tauredal, aptly meaning "the grove of the valley," is the sucessor of ancient Aspendale. The people of Aspendale vanished into obscurity following its blossoming in the era of peace after the cataclysm. The disappearance is a mystery that has confounded some of the greatest minds in Altera; theories as to why they vanished range from ancient curses to plague to magical experiments gone wrong. Theorists note that archlich Deathcrusher mysteriously stayed in the town directly before the founding of the Dark Rune Citadel. They also point out the proximity of Uthrandir, home of archwizard Coelum Lightbringer (BellontheWise), the archlich's main adversary.

The people of Aspendale didn’t vanish tracelessly. The town's buildings, renowned for their intricate and elegant woodwork, have escaped from the ravages of the ages. They did not, however, entirely escape from whatever force caused the people to disappear.

The buildings of Old Aspendale have come alive. Life has been breathed into the ancient woodwork and great trees have sprouted out of the buildings themselves. A powerful magic, be it good or evil, has settled into the very earth that the town rests on and has made it one of the most mysterious and magical sites in all of Altera.

Its power seems to be expanding, as well, and it hasn't remained confined to Old Aspendale. It has disseminated into the vast woodland surrounding the ancient town and the forest’s other inhabitants have also been affected. Dark things now stir in the old forest, and it is Tauredal's inhabitants who act as a warden against the wilds.

A multitude of people now name Tauredal ‘home’, living in the ruins of Old Aspendale as well as the great trees themselves. The ranks of the forestfolk of Myrithas are made up of rangers, elves, druids, hunters, and many others who find themselves attracted to the mysterious town.

Description: Tauredal is a beautiful town which incorporates intricate, victorian-style buildings with hand-built and magnificent giant trees. It’s an immersive town that has an open and friendly community that goes out of its way to help newcomers.

Building code:
The town is based on Old Aspendale and, as such, new construction must be based on Dalian architecture (google “Victorian architecture”). Players have to be open to letting their houses become combined with trees, not that any player ever has an issue with this. If a resident wants to build the tree themselves, they'll first have to check with the mayor.

Roleplay and community:
Tauredal is a newly reinvigorated town that is looking for good builders, active roleplayers, and nice people. We try to have roleplay going on in the town as much as possible, and the residents of Tauredal often travel as a group to take part in roleplay throughout Altera. No player in Tauredal should ever complain about the town being dull as there’s always something to do. The town’s not only about roleplay, though. A great amount of building is needed and the town is currently looking for good builders and architects.

Jobs that we’re looking to fill, all races welcome:
Wood elves (most of the town isn't elven, but wood elves fit in nicely),
an airship captain,
And anyone else who would fit in a forest town.

Screenshots: Coming soon :)

(List residents here - each resident name being a link to their character profile / journal in the character profile / journal forum)

Avery Thomas

Sorrows Warrior
I'd like to be an archaeologist with my dwarven brethen and others, together we can explore ruins and stripmines, finding artifacts :wink:

Deleted member 61

Let's go to war against the dark elves! The E&E will do their work while major plans are hopefully made.

Deleted member 61

Sorry my presence was so brief last night Tantara.
Anyway, I'll try and get on tonight for a good while! Oh, and you said that Wood Elves fit in here, karmellen is a Wood Elf!

Deleted member 61

I think the town needs a giant tree arena! Sporting fights and spleef, maybe even some crazy stuff like pig riding!


Resigned Admin
That'll be tough as spleef arenas are so big. I'll have to figure out something clever if we were to try this... Actually, that's a lie. If you can get me a the smallest possible arena dimensions (not tooooo small, though :) ), I'll see if I can manage something. This could be really cool!

In other news, the Inn's Tree shall be the Party Tree! More details to come later :)
In the meantime, gather tons of wool, flowers, and lapis!

Deleted member 61

I was thinking maybe a fighting arena resting in the branches like a birds nest ;) and the spleef could be underground.

Deleted member 61

Trouble_Kelp, (can't remember him RP name), came to make a trade pact with us yesterday. He wanted 6 stacks of dark wood and something else for 6 stacks of coal and 3 stacks of iron. Thought I should run it by you first.
We also need to change the private signs on chests to Tauredal.

Deleted member 61

Tantara, I wish to build a tree apothecarys. Where I will be able to do some roleplay in. And we could sell potions and ingriedients there! if this would be ok, where should I choose to build it?