Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Alteran Thespian Society


Dear Universe,

Calling all Alterans with theatrical experience or love of the performing arts! This is a post for a long needed project and society. A society of melodramatic, mentally insane, and otherwise amazing people known as Performers. The need for a stage and lights with complicated redstone systems to change them has been growing for an eternity now and the talent that spans this plane must satisfy it! A large amount of money and resource will be required for this project, but with the right people it can happen!

The plan is simple enough, we raise the money to buy a plot of land in the Northern Kingdom and upon it we build our stage, our audience, and, of course, our Societies Lodgings. Unlike other groups we won't dedicate our time to the mastery of combats and magicks, but rather the fine tuning (pun intended) and honing of skills that are already present in each and every individual. Through creative script writing, skillful acting, amazing lighting effects and scenery building, and beautiful music.

This will be a large project and will require much planning, but with all of your help, Altera with be the cultural and intellectual epicenter of this existence! All it takes is a little help from you. THESPIANS, UNITE!!

Captain Remus Arthur Timothy Zimmerman

Eric V

Legend of Altera
Well, I have plenty of thespian experience, but i don't want to live in the city/stage.


Not to live in! Just to meet for writing and working and rehersing when we are there long periods of time so we don't have to run all the way back home lol. Like a home away from home!


Legend of Altera
Hmm. I think you should have someone from the society offer acting classes and creative writing and stuff at the university, not teach it in your own place. Your place should just be from preformances and field trips for that class.

Also you could do this cheaper by building in the Eastern Frontier


1. I have applied for exactly that teaching job, just waiting to hear back. I applied before starting this thread actually.
2. The Frontier resets in August I believe, and I would like a permanent place for The Society to hold meetings and such. Besides, I was planning on starting my own town and stuff based around it, so I'm getting the money either way.


I'm going to be innactive for a few days as I have a show IRL going on, along with rehersals for my next one and I've started on a P90X workout to get in shape. I will be back after about three or so days!