Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Church of the Holy Mason


Lord of Altera
Prayeth thou do not tradeth my
Fore His blessing is thine,
And my walls His.

The Church of the Holy Mason

Upon finding the proper resting place for his beloved Mother, Mallor was made to witness the most Holy sight he had ever seen - The Sanctification of his Mother's soul. Thus, on the very spot her bodily shell sent her imprisoned Soul to the Heavens, he built and founded the Church of the Holy Mason.

Being a fine craftsman, Mallor had no problems raising the Church on his own. He would, however, require help running it - the stores would not fill themselves, and the expected Monks would need housing. Also, in these troubled times, where armies scour the land on the Quest for the Thrones, monks trained in battle will be of very much use.

As such, Mallor the Saintborn began to preach the Word of His Order. He would need the fellowship, and the scattered souls flocking to the warmth of His Church would need the much needed protection and shelter the walls give.

The Chapel is run by His Grace The Archbishop of the Holy Mason Tembar Mallor.
The Chapel dignifies its most loyal and pious servants with ranks, and they are as follows:

The Holy Mother Superior of the Sons and Daughters of Labour of the Church of the Holy Mason

This is a rank only one can have at a time, and a rank that only one has ever had to this day. It is reserved for the St. Holy Mother, and cannot be attained by the un-sanctified. It is this person that we serve and praise whilst living to gain inner peace.

Archbishop of the Holy Mason
This rank signifies the leader of the Chapel, and is currently held by Tembar Mallor, who founded the Church and Chapel on the Tomb of the St. Holy Mother.

Bishop of the Holy Mason
Being a Bishop involves Commitment, Faith and Dedication, the three cornerstones of our believes.
Several persons can hold the title of Bishop.

Priest of the Holy Mason
The title of Priest tells one that the person bearing the title has risen above the ordinary and plain yet honourable dedication of that of a Monk. The Priests will be given the main responsibility of the more menial tasks around the Chapel, and delegating these to the lesser rank of e.g. Novice.

Monk of the Holy Mason
The Monks of the Holy Mason are the workers of the Church, and its loyal servants. They have sworn the Oath of Servitude, and thus risen above the rank Novice. Their tasks are given to them by the Priests, and may range from Masonry to Gardening, to Preaching.

Novice of the Holy Mason
The Novices of our Church are taking their first steps toward the St. Holy Mother's blessings. They are to be tested in their dedication and spirit by the higher ranks and as such even the Monks have jurisdiction over these. Anyone can become a Novice.

Our beloved Chapel of the Holy Mason and the St. Holy Mother, built by His Grace Archbishop Tembar Mallor, first of his name.


Lord of Altera
Planned constructions:

Housing (underground cells?)

One big garden, split into separate sections for different parts of agriculture.

Upgrading the grounds by expanding the walls

Another major issue of importance is raising enough money to buy land in the Northern Kingdom


Lord of Altera
The Church of the Holy Mason and its Archbishop will always welcome subjects of the Faith beyond their door. In shorter words, we are recruiting Novices. Your RP character need not be pious before seeking our Faith, but obviously one would have to dedicate oneself to the Faith, and more spesifically that of Holy Labour.

The Chapel of Rosslyn is also a place where one can pilgrimage, and everyone is of course welcome inside for a walk and talk with our Devotees.

To apply for Noviceship, simply fill out this little form:

Character name:

Previous occupation (to better align your line of work):

Desired line of work:

Please reply to this thread with the application.

If you have any suggestions or feedback, please also reply to this thread.

- Archbishop Mallor


Lord of Altera
I should hire you as Archbishop of Might of the Holy City. We will build a much greater cathedral. :)