Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Darkblood tribe


Lord of Altera
The Darkblood tribe is a group of savage warriors settled in the north of the northern kingdoms.
The houses are small and only have a ground floor due to the fast winds and the legendary colds.
However there will be a underground liveing area.

background (as requested)

The tribe wasnt always as it is even nearly...
It all started when a man lost his hearth to a woman......but it didnt last long.....
his hearth was filled with hatred and rage....
He finaly left the city were he once loved the woman.....he moved to the south were he heard 5 diffrent tribes were fighting over the sacred hunting grounds......
He arived in the middle of a battle as quick and strong as he was he murdered every single tribe leader stealing there crowns and banners.....
He build a hold on the hill that he called victors hill the hold he called Snowborn hold.
Now the fierce warlord known as dry hearth searches for strong men and woman to live in his mighty hold.

Anyone willing to join must fill in the folowing.

ID :
Rp name :
Why would you like to join (5 sentences) :
What can you do for the tribe ? :
Have you ever had a ban ? :
If so for what ? :
How long have you been on the server ? :



Could you possibly write a back story to this?

It would definatley give people a better feel for what they are applying for rather than just jumping at it out of curiosity. Also is there any specific qualities that this group has that make it stand out from others?


Definate improvment!

Allthough you have a typing error:

man lost his hearth to a woman