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Finished The Essence of Steel


Lord of Altera
This is less of a player organized event, and more of a thing that's going on that you can get involved in to have IC experience with a useful skill.
Since Roy's first fully fledged apprentice, Akasha of Zima'Maloj, has finished her studies, he left in order to allow her to become a more competent smith by running her own smithy. As such, he has (first gone to help the dwarves of his tribe but then) left in order to venture across the world to towns he had visited beforehand that he has noticed lacks a smith. In each of these towns, he will take on ONE apprentice and attempt to teach them until they are fully competent in their ability, and then he'll move on to do it again and again, until he either dies from old age, is killed, or has an apprentice in at least 6 towns that has completed their lessons. Once this has happened (The 6 apprentices that is) he will most likely retire to Tambry and work the rest of his life there... once he can afford a new smithy there that is.
If you'd like your town to MAYBE have access to steel (Roy will only teach those he feels are worth being taught it) and have someone who's either a blacksmith in training, a blacksmith with some skill, or even an aspiring blacksmith, feel free to post here or pm me. Currently Roy's next stop will be Grafjell.

this event will begin after 4th of July weekend! (That being Roy will go into Grafjell after that day)
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Lord of Altera
ah, many thanks, it's near Havonen and Avignon, both being places Roy has been to in the past, so I could certainly have him visit that area after Grafjell :p


Lord of Altera
added semi-general date, also, I'm going to have it set here and now that training an apprentice WILL take at least 5 years, my only requirement for learning under Roy. Depending on different circumstances, I may ask more to go by.


Lord of Altera
also, if anyone would like their character to IC'ly know, we could say the dock workers gossip about one of the few steelsmiths showing up in different areas, I dunno :p


Lord of Altera
Oi! Geralt would enjoy to gain more experience! And as far as I know Geralt is the only one in Vinterhavn with blacksmith experience c: (In case you wanna know more about him~)
Hmmm, Vinterhavn will certainly be a place for Roy to visit, I'll figure out what towns Roy will be headed to after Grafjell once I've sorted out everything going on right now with Hollowworld: The Gathering (Working on 2 sets at the same time XD)


Lord of Altera
changing up how this is, it will in fact be a player event, but this will be in the works for a bit as I help to set up the town it will take place in. This will not happen till the new map, given how the context of this doesn't really work what with all the undead roaming around.