Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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the forsworn will rise


Lord of Altera
Good lord you've written Skyrim.
in a way yes however there are many differences from the forsworn in syrim and this group. and also many other groups in HW have stolen material from games, the game of thrones basically built our house system and places like the gemstone isles are from other elder scroll games. this post is meant to kinda be a discussion before we start the actual organization process. keep up the comments and criticism. Hshotwell, soon ill try to get you involved with the process if you care about the build part.


Lord of Altera
in a way yes however there are many differences from the forsworn in syrim and this group. and also many other groups in HW have stolen material from games, the game of thrones basically built our house system and places like the gemstone isles are from other elder scroll games. this post is meant to kinda be a discussion before we start the actual organization process. keep up the comments and criticism. Hshotwell, soon ill try to get you involved with the process if you care about the build part.
Lets agree to disagree. (Yes, I stole that one...) There are so many games and so many ideas, someone could easily "steal" an idea from a game without even knowing that the game exists.


Retired Staff
(I haven't finished reading it all yet so I may be mistaken, however, Forsworn are Skyrim, Slayers of the Reach)
You've got the Forsworn, the dragon worship, the actual dragons, Ro (means Balance in the Skyrim dragon language), and some more stuff.


Lord of Altera
well is it a crime that i used ideas from my favorite fantasy game? not really. i dont have the ability to make my own ancient language. also, im using this thread to get peoples opinions for the actual organization (one probably with altered lore and name). so instead of everyone screaming SKYRIM like there going to die whenever they read this, can i please get actual suggestions.

Mario Mluigifish

Lord of Altera
I am not going to continue reading it as my brain just does not function with massive wall of texts and incorrect punctuation/capital letters. Brrr.