Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Königreich: Last of the Fjellvari


The Königreich

The Fjellvari (or Mountain Elves) of Highgard were almost fully eradicated in the movement from their homelands in their icy mountaintops to the Northern Kingdoms, the corruption consuming those too stubborn to leave, or unable to move swiftly through the terrain so different from what they had been exposed to all their lives. Those who survived the venture were only the hardest and strongest; and most certainly younger than the elders who would have brought with them the wisdom of their many years. Agros Fjellvar and his brother Ingrvald were among the first to arrive in the Northern Kingdoms, and instantly decided that with their drained resources and their lack of experience in this foreign world, the natural division that lasts with Fjellvari culture must be eradicated. They must band together. So he gathered the Fjellvari still loyal to Agros' father who had died with the corruption and proclaimed himself the final Kaiser of Highgard. In this new land, their independent nation needed a new name. They call themselves the Königreich.

The Königreich's ultimate goal is to reestablish a kingdom independent of the Silver Crown; a crown forged of ice and stone. Preferable locations include the Northwest, and the area South-East of Port Silver; though they will be grateful to attain whatever land they are capable of attaining. They desire to own themselves and bow to no one, as is their way.


Agros (HappyShackles)
Ingrvald (Iorwen)
Seraphine (Rhisereld)
Sif (Hadlais)
Edvard (susitsu)
Niel (IIKingCanadaII)
Unnamed (GrimReaper98)