Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Upcoming The Knights of Saint Elias


Magus of Nothing
For upon Altera there are the unlawful, the heathenous and the the untruthful. It is their place to serve penance for their crimes against Man and God. And yet, in these times of strife, there are none to serve divine justice upon the criminals.

To the Crossroads Cathedral are summoned those who would call themselves holy warriors of the Light - those who would fight in the name of God above all else, against his foes, against his enemies. There, they will find a calling.


This event will occur at 9:00pm GMT, today, at the Cathedral. If you are an enemy of the Light, by attending you consent to anything that may happen (not sure I can say this anymore but oh well) - preferably don't attend if this is you.
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Magus of Nothing
Moved to the Crossroads Cathedral, cause Haven is 1/10 crap and doesn't have a port.