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The New Port City, Updates and what is to come!

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Lord of Casterly Rock
Hello Ladies and Gents.. and Nakam of Altera!

A few quick announcements and updates:

1. The port city of Port Silver is complete, and is the new spawn. It will remain so, until Port Silver is completed.

I want to give a massive shout out and thank you to all those that helped make this possible: Lars for his design of the city and for putting Robin in charge of the port city, what a choice. Robin and Davyita for their incredible and quick work on designs and buildings in the docks and city, you two truly did a spectacular job with it. Lovelorn, Markisbeest, Jinx, Akari, Tang, Cubey, Tomahawk, Steel and Draco for doing all of their various odd jobs that I asked of them, unique buildings that they added, and helping to design the roads and water ways that add so much to the city. A major shout out to SpiritualDetox and Nooberoob, for the incredible work that they did with the slums, I've never seen such amazing slummy houses before ;) I hear by officially name them Slumlords!

As Freddie Mercury once said "I thank you all". This dream couldn't have become a reality without you all, and I thank everyone from the bottom of my heart and anyone that I forgot to mention as well.

2. Within the port city, there are shopkeepers that are selling unobtainable blocks and hard to get items in exchange for emeralds or materials. They are scattered.. some hidden among the city, so start searching.

A list of items: Chiseled Stone Brick, Cracked Stone Brick, (Cow, Wolf, Ocelot, Chicken, Pig, Sheep, Villager) Spawn Eggs, White Wool, Spider Webs, Slime Balls, Ink Sacs, Leather and Saddles.

3. Emeralds are now an official hard currency, their worth is 20 rads, and they can be exchanged at a chest shop inside the Auction House.

Things to come:

1. Inside the walls of Port Silver has begun construction. Once more work is done, we will be able to give a rough estimate of when it should be completed.

2. The Game of Crowns is still under development, but is making great progress, we hope to have it ready before Port Silver is completed.

3. The New Transportation System is being worked on, and a post will soon be made about it, explaining how it is going to work. If you own a city or region, and you haven't talked to Ninjatangerine (or Tang) about it, please send him or I a conversation with details about your region/city.

4. Hollow Games and Altera Tekkit are around the corner! Be prepared :p

5. Holloween Ideas!! I've made a post in the General Discussion area, have at it!


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
Emeralds are now an official hard currency.

The Game of Crowns is still under development, but is making great progress, we hope to have it ready before Port Silver is completed.

The New Transportation System is being worked on, and a post will soon be made about it, explaining how it is going to work.
*bounces up and down happily*


Lord of Altera
2. Within the port city, there are shopkeepers that are selling unobtainable blocks and hard to get items in exchange for emeralds or materials. They are scattered.. some hidden among the city, so start searching.

A list of items: Chiseled Stone Brick, Cracked Stone Brick, (Cow, Wolf, Ocelot, Chicken, Pig, Sheep, Villager) Spawn Eggs, White Wool, Spider Webs, Slime Balls, Ink Sacs, Leather and Saddles.
This is so cool. I'm super excited to have a reliable source for these things. Already found the brick, most of the spawn eggs, and the leather shop. I've had a lot of fun exploring the city and expect I will continue to do so as my search goes on. Thanks to everyone who was involved. I am absolutely blown away by how wonderful the new Port Silver looks, and can't wait to see how it develops!


The Arbiter of the Gods
Is nice...
Anyway.. I really love the way the Harbour city came out, though when I saw the marble paths of some areas I was angry... I get angry a lot when I see something wrong... That was a while back though, and right now it looks like what it should be; slums. Good jawb!

Also, don't bother with Game of Crowns. You all know that Hawklights will win >:3


King's Hand
There is now a shopkeeper that sells rare chainmail armour...
hmmm... that were always one of the items you have to earn with activity and patience. I already had body and legs.
Now everyone can have it...
But maybe its good for norse RP.


Burner of Worlds
hmmm... that were always one of the items you have to earn with activity and patience. I already had body and legs.
Now everyone can have it...
But maybe its good for norse RP.
I upped the price considerably. They can be removed if they are disruptive to the economy or the game. For example I'm considering removing the ink sac seller now squids are common again.


King's Hand
The ink isn't the problem its mainly chiseled stone bricks and the chainmail, because the were rare item, some people had a monopol on it. I have a double chest of chiseled stone bricks because I farmed the last three EF-strongholds...
Now people don't need to find them to attack my monopol.
EDIT: You need now 3stacks emeralds to get a full set chainmail. That means its 3.8k worth now. Now Its a luxury item, and not a rare item. Could work... (I would higher I more. I just love things like Nobility where you have to work hard for something, but Iam totally crazy :p)


Lord of Altera
The ink isn't the problem its mainly chiseled stone bricks and the chainmail, because the were rare item, some people had a monopol on it. I have a double chest of chiseled stone bricks because I farmed the last three EF-strongholds...
Now people don't need to find them to attack my monopol.
I think you meant cracked stone bricks. Chiseled stone bricks are only found in jungle temples (and in low quantities there), and are thus incredibly rare. This was balanced by the fact that the server sold basically unlimited quantities on the AH for 20 radiants. I definitely like having them available through trading/the AH, since their rarity makes them basically as unobtainable as sponge unless you're one of the small handful of people who find a temple (and even they only get like 3 blocks).


Burner of Worlds
I expect mojang will make cracked and chiseled stone craftable soon like they did with sandstone variants.
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