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The Patriot speaks on the WA delegation


Lord of Altera
*The Patriot of Sprakia stands, puts his two hands on his podium leaning on then, and flicks the hair out of his eyes**He begins to deliver a whirlwind of a speech*
You're all missing the important things! I think we've all had the wool pulled over our eyes.

We, or at least most of us, are all part of the World Assembly, and we all abide by their laws of war and justice. They aren't extremely omniprescent, the W.A., but they do have laws and most of us abide by them.
The thing about us is that we, like any other loosely binded region of the world, have a delegate nation who travels to the World Assembly meetings and puts their word in, supposedly reflecting the voices of the region from which they've travelled; or at least this is supposed to be the case.

You see, what's happened with us is, because of their independence policies, the protectorates and client states of Arcturix are given equal voting rights as council members. They as a group have convened to vote their suzerain as WA delegate. While this may be well and fine for the minority of nations within this region who feel represented by Arcturix, the majority of our states would likely not feel very confident in a state such as Arcturix being their representative in the World Assembly. They've gone and voted Archibald as our delegate before we could even discuss this sort of thing, and that's just dirty play if you ask me.

I say, we've all got to choose a person whom we're willing to let represent us. A person who doesn't represent solely their own needs and the needs of their own state, but someone who is able to put their own nationalism aside and delegate to the W.A. from a standpoint that represents our council as a whole; and I simply don't believe that Mr. Archibald is able to represent us in such a way. I'm sure that most of you would agree on this.

I'm placing my hat into the bin, we need to get someone else as our delegate, and I'm willing to be that person. I haven't got the capacities to bomb those who would go against my person, as some others here do, but I do represent the largest nation in the Council and I believe that I would be one of the level-headed people sitting here in this room today.

So, to conclude, if you haven't joined the W.A. I propose you do that as soon as possible and endorse whomever you believe represents you and your nation so that we may escape the position in which we currently sit, with surely only a minority faction of us being represented by Archibald of Arcturis. If it be myself you vote for, then good on me, if it be someone else, it's a good thing you're trying to be represented.