Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Ravens Guild


Lord of Altera
People all around Altera have being reporting remains of strange metal objects and nets it's said that there crafted by the ravens guild a group of engineers working for themselfs trying to gain wealth knowledge and might.
There's no clue as to who is the leader is.

A rumor has been going around that the ravens guild is now recruiting new members in the city of mirrage during the nightime.


Lord of Altera
im sorry but due to lack of do i put this knowledge and atemps to assasinate me you are automaticly refuses.....le sorry.


Loyal Servant of Altera
Lack of engineering knowledge...? That's a load of falsities. Oh, and I did help to resurrect you so yeah.


The Mogul of Cromarcky
I need a clipboard with the "It's looks like you're new here/try joining an established faction/show you're faction is worth joining/ect" reply on the ready.


Lord of Altera
I need a clipboard with the "It's looks like you're new here/try joining an established faction/show you're faction is worth joining/ect" reply on the ready.
Please if you dont have anything good to say then say nothing.....(if i just misunderstood it then flame me all you want :p )