Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Wedding of Murdoc and Rose


Lord of Altera
You are invited to. . .

The wedding of Rose Ruby Cleary and Murdoc of House Marr.


Tybalt @Tybalt
Cloud of Harvada @The Living Ghost
Nwalme of Vera Vigi @blargtheawesome
Elworen @samsam223
Rahas is also welcomed, if he should shall choise. @Admin
(I dunno who's playing the Gods now)
Amethyst @mokwar
{Whoever's @Ace19 's character]
[Whoever @Sir_Ashington 's character is]
Barthélémy @Megadonkey30
(More may be added overtime)


Alhazred @Zombie3255 of Murdoc and Rose&iso=20150523T15&p1=142 of Murdoc and Rose

Where: Azerport

Type of Event: Peaceful (No killing allowed)​


Lord of Altera
...You expect an event to go peaceful in Azerport and invited a God? Pretty much a Nation that is highly militarized and is a place Visage and Jishrim likes to torment. Especially when Rahas is spose to be the one who comes. You have my G'est of G's

(More seriously of course everyone will respect the peaceful tag c: *holds butter-knife menacingly*)