Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Wizard of Aurolus


Bellon the Wise

Being a Wizard is so much more than fireballs and lightning. It is more about getting to know the people around you. Inspiring and supporting.

The Tower of Aurolus is a wonderful place. Eat drink and be merry!

Moochick, Beastmistress of Aspendale brought me a cake. It was quite delicious!!!! Next to him is a brave young man who wishes to be my apprentice... we shall see.

Here is a sumptous feast, prepared by yours truly, for my guests. Behold an elf!!!!

More to come!!!


Lord of Altera
may i be your apprentice as well ive (observed) Sventar and your converse here and seems like id get along with you well!
i currently live in Warstrom ill ask about building a ship to Aurolus :D

Bellon the Wise

Uthrandir, City of the Wizards

Bellon must leave Aurolus!!!!!

Soon the agents of evil will fall upon me....

I can not allow the fair town of Aurolus to suffer as I wage my battle against the Agents of evil. The she Demon knows of my tower and I can feel her gaze upon it, the Dark Lord of the Skull Kingdom practices his foul craft in secret, building a library of terrible knowledge, the Imperial Library ..... whilst the Terror of the Seas, Sally Pirate ravages city and town alike... with out the slightest bit of mercy nor care for who she murders.

I must act!!!!! But I can not risk the lives of the fair citizens of Aurolus. I must leave.

For (months) now I have sat in my library lost in thoughts, lost in planning. My apprentices work tirelessly in preparation of our departure. I think I have found the locations... I shall be know as Bellon, the Wizard of the West, Archmage of Uthrandir. I can feel the arcane energies of the land twist beneath my feat, surely Harateth is present here.

The first thing we must do is construct the Archmage's Tower. From there, I and my colleagues may gather our strength for the inevitable battle that is approaching...

Bellon unravels his scrolls

(NOTE: The Tower was done in a schematic maker. The materials and the details aren't in the Tower yet. but this will be the basic design and area of it all. Also, this is not the entire town but the center piece. As Uthrandir can afford to expand, it will)

Plans of the Tower of the Archmage: Regular

Plans of the Tower of the Archmage: Back

Plans of the Tower of the Archmage: Harateth Inspired (Who Bellon follows)

Plans of the Tower of the Archmage: Harateth Inspired (Who Bellon follows) BACK


Lord of Altera
hmm.....with the resources im seeing in the schematic.... we will need loads of stone,gold and glass i can give an estimate to how many stacks we will need

Sand/glass: 8-9
Gold:5-6 stacks :( (may i suggest we replace with yellow wool or glowstone >.>)
Iron:2-3 stacks (not a problem :) )
Daimond: 1 1/2 stack of daimond :( (also a problem, may i suggest light blue wool?)