Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Tim Hook's profile


Name: Tim Jacob Hook.
Tommy & Timmy.
Age: 22 years old.
Gender: Male.
Race: Tim was born as a human and he still is.
Height: 6'4".
Weight: 65kg.
Hair: Short dark, nearly black hair.
Eyes: Orange/Yellow eyes. If you look closely you can see a black star inside Tim's eyes.
Skin: Dirty and tanned skin.
Identifying Marks: The dark hair and his eyes is something you can use to identify him.
Appearance: Tim often wears a shirt and a pair of pants. He have not got anything such as an aura surrounding him.
Strengths: The knowledge and experience he've got regarding brewing and archery is Tim's strength.
Weaknesses and fears: He's very scared of creatures who sneak up upon him and when they're close the attack. He's scared of massive crowds and snakes.
Religion and cults: Tim believes in faith.
Profession: Tim just got here from an island far far away. He haven't got a job or profession so far. Back at his old "home" he used to brew potions for the old doctor in the village. On his spare time he built a bow and practiced archery.