Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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{Town crier announcement} Earthspawn King Missing!

King Oguk

Earthspawn King
*An old town Crier steps toward and announces*

Oguk Pakgu the first has gone missing, as a result Oguk Junior and his Earthspawn Militia have claimed or should I say forcefully took ownership of the new Exodus world Zuk'Thar

Currently their is a debate on if more popular Oguk Jr, the one that the Earthspawn people want as king OR Oglub who is the older child and the actual nearest throne heir should receive the crown.

How will the crown re-act? All I can say is stay safe and don't get caught in between this because by the look of it, a storm is brewing and that storm is actually a bunch of angry green beasts punching each other in the genitals.

*The town crier swaggers back to the pub too get himself another drink, another drink too many*

King Oguk

Earthspawn King
(Please reply IC)

*A shady Earthspawn sits on a large, weathered down rock. He is willing to answer any questions... For the right price*