Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Active Tuwile Lest Character Profile


Tuwile Lest
Full Titles: None
Nickname/Alias: None

Gender: Male
Race: Human
Social Status: Freemen
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Height: 5 feet, 5 inches/165.1 cm
Weight: 118 lbs/53.5 kg
Date of Birth: 5/19
Date of Death: N/A
Homeland: Somewhere in a far off land.
Current Home: None, a wanderer.

Lanky, with no particularly impressive muscles.
Hair: Dark brown, wild and uncombed, shooting off in various directions.
Eyes: An emerald green, constantly looking tired even if he is not.
Skin: Pale, unusually so, considering how often he's outdoors.
Identifying Marks: None.
Clothing: Typically dressed in a brown jacket with a cloth black shirt and pants underneath. Has a belt and a strap made to have weapon holsters attached to them, though one or the other is usually left empty. Always wears a teal green scarf atop this, even if the weather makes it uncomfortably warm. Wears black gloves when in combat so as to protect his arms and hands from scrapes.
Weaponry: Carries two small, steel daggers with him, and occasionally a sword if one is on hand. More skilled with the daggers than the swords.
Prized Possessions: None.
Hygiene: Don't sniff him.
Voice: A bit high pitched and prone to cracking, often sounding out of breath when he's not.

Rather agile, excelling at climbing structures with moderate speed, and is adept at keeping his presence unknown should he think it necessary. Is fairly skilled at coming up with a strategy and putting it into action.
Fears: Being overwhelmed or outsmarted by an opponent, or being left defenseless when under attack.
Weaknesses: Lacks any impressive physical strength, as well as adequate combat training, going solely off his own experience, which isn't much. Tends to underestimate opponents.
Intelligence: Above average intelligence, literate and has a basic education.
Languages: The most commonly spoken language in the Northern Kingdoms for humans.
Profession: Mercenary for hire.

A free spirit, Tuwile goes by the toot of his own horn, travelling where he wants, when he wants, and doing what he wants, where he wants. Prone to making sarcastic or snarky comments toward those of whom he's chatting with, it's hard to see Tuwile in a serious mood. Loudspoken with a very small filter, he's not afraid to say what he thinks of people, nor does he care when people express their own opinions of him. However, despite all his brashness, he carries a kind heart and would rather see someone happy than upset. Not good at expressing his true emotions, and finds it a bit difficult to closely connect with other people. Holds no racist beliefs, though does make comments on the differing appearances of each race if he's close with someone in that race.
Religion or Cults: Athiest
Alignment: Neutral Good
Short Term Goals: None
Long Term Goals: None

Anywhere up high with a great view.
Pastime: Exploring new places.
Food: Fried chicken.
Drink: Loves a good glass of milk.
Colour: Green.
Animal: Rabbit.

Least Favourite...
Anywhere cramped or stuffy.
Pastime: Doing nothing.
Food: Fish.
Drink: Any overly strong alcohol.
Colour: Yellow.
Animal: Turtle.

Unsure of:
Wary of:
Afraid of:
BACKSTORY:Tuwile grew up in a foreign nation overseas with a fairly normal family life. His parents loved him and he loved them, and money was never a huge issue. However, the dullness of his own life caused Tuwile to always long for something more, and his difficulty to make friends with his peers made him feel as if he didn't belong. When he was aged 13, his father died of a heart attack, and his mother fell into a depression, neglecting Tuwile and forcing him to provide for himself and his mother. Eventually, he grew tired of this routine and hired someone to watch over his mother while he went off to explore. At age 15 he arrived in the Nothern Kingdoms by boat, and worked as a mercenary for hire for anyone requiring his services, though he declined any requests that require him to commit murder, largely taking up jobs in the fields of theft and espionage. Always sends a small sum of his money each month by mail to is mother's caretaker, still assuring that she was well.​
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Essentially a Chihuahua
Aware Single
Nice profile, though a quick note. Altera is the planet, the Northern Kingdoms is what's seen on the meta-map, so he would have arrived in the Northern Kingdoms, rather than Altera.


Better than sliced bread
I am going to try to swoop this character up for my faction! See you soon in Rp in the next few weeks! ( I love new pepols )